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Thread: Get Stoked's Political Blog; Republican Opinions.

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  1. #1
    Get Stoked


    Having cancer and wanting an Xbox are like fire and ice.

    You seriously need to rethink your stance on life.

  2. #2
    Fluckit Master EmmitBrown's Avatar
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    c'mon man, it's just a political stance.
    i'm not telling you you're wrong, just stating my opinion.

    kind of a "fair across the board" stance.

    all gravy

    ps. i don't judge people by their political outside of this thread......people are too different...
    Last edited by EmmitBrown; 09-05-2008 at 06:47 PM.

  3. #3
    Get Stoked


    Quote Originally Posted by EmmitBrown View Post
    c'mon man, it's just a political stance.
    i'm not telling you you're wrong, just stating my opinion.

    kind of a "fair across the board" stance.

    all gravy

    ps. i don't judge people by their political outside of this thread......people are too different...
    Well, I understand they're just political views.

    Thinking that not being able to cure your cancer and wanting an Xbox 360 are in the same category, that's an issue.

  4. #4
    Fluckit Master EmmitBrown's Avatar
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    Sonic, you CHOOSE whether to do well in school. You CHOOSE what field you go into. You CHOOSE your career. People CHOOSE to have children when they can't afford them. People CHOOSE to make sacrifices and risks to do well in business or otherwise...and they should be rewarded.

    I don't understand the confusion.

    and you're bringing up the percent again, why should it be a percentage?

    when you bought your neon did you pay a percentage of your income for the neon? no, you paid a set price......why should a "tax" for living here be any different?

    and stoked: if there's an issue it's on your end....i'm cool with your communist ass.
    Last edited by EmmitBrown; 09-05-2008 at 07:14 PM.

  5. #5
    Get Stoked


    Emmit, that's what would happen IF you had an average life. If you GOT to go to school you could choose to pass, if you had the resources to get a job you COULD choose to do well...

    That's not always the situation Emmit, this is what republicans don't understand. Not everyone is fortunate and not everyone can dig themselves out of a hole...

  6. #6
    Fluckit Master EmmitBrown's Avatar
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    i was born into and currently still have a less than average life (depending on your view of average) and still feel this way (it's my responsibility to change it, so i am)......unfortunately the situations we're born into we have to deal with....everything else is up to us.......survival of the fittest, man up
    Last edited by EmmitBrown; 09-05-2008 at 07:46 PM.

  7. #7
    Get Stoked


    Well, to each his own I guess.

    It's not survival of the fittest in my opinion. I pay the government taxes, I am here in America as a tool for the draft if needed, I buy American products and damnit I deserve help when I need it.

    I may have to quit school soon because I can't pay for it without sacrificing things I need to live like food, car insurance, or home... I need to be paid more or taxed less...

  8. #8


    Well I don't exactly agree with that either... Not everyone has the skills to be a doctor and get paid the big bucks, and if everyone could then they wouldn't get paid much because their talent would be easy to find. People are just born naturally good at a few things, and those things aren't always the biggest money makers in the world. I personally could never be a doctor for various reasons, and I don't think going to school for it would help.

    That brings up another point though. Sure you CAN choose your field of interest in school, but you can only pursue it if you can afford it. After highschool ends, the cost of school goes up a ton. Some people can afford it, some people have to take out large loans to go through it, and others can't go at all because they have no money.

    Also, location is important too. If you went to school for Television and you live in the middle of nowhere, there aren't going to be a lot of career oppertunities available for you. If you manage to make your way to the top position of a local company, you still won't be making a ton of money. Someone who was fortunate enough to be born near hollywood, New York or any other large city will be doing the same job but making a lot more money.

    The percentages are important because it's the way to measure how much to take from each person... Say you make $500 a week at your job, and the government takes 15% of that. That's $75 a week out of your pocket that you may need to buy important commodaties. Say a somewhat rich person is making 2000 a week, and the government taxes them 10%, just because they make a lot of money. They lose $200 a week to the government, which seems like more money, but if they weren't being treated specially BECAUSE they have more money, they'd be losing $300 instead at 15%. Now you've got a rich man with $1800 to pay his bills and go have fun, while the poor man has only $425. Does the rich dude care much because he's missing 200 dollars? Probably not, because he's got more then enough to live a nice life... but the person who only has 425 could use that 25 bucks to buy gas to get to his job.

    The car thing is pretty much exactly the same as my other comment though. You don't NEED a car to survive, but you do need shelter to live in. A person could live without a car (and I know plenty of people who live just fine without vehicles) and save about $400 a month not paying insurance or gas cost.

    There are a few things you need to live: Food, water and shelter. Everything else is technically a bonus. Rich people can afford these and more easily, and the tax cut makes it even easier on them. People who struggle to afford such nessessities need to keep every cent they can hold on to, so to tax them more for being poor is stupid.

  9. #9
    Get Stoked


    For me, the closest gas station is about 7 miles away and the closest grocery store is about 5. I NEED a car for sure, I'm not skating on these one lane back roads at night, haha.

  10. #10
    Fluckit Master EmmitBrown's Avatar
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    People aren't being taxed for being poor.....i'm all for equal or the rich receiving something a little less than equal.....i just don't see why they should have to pay an equal "percentage of income".....when that makes it sooo far out of balance it's ridiculous......income shouldn't come into it at all.......why should that matter?

    Sonic, if you apply yourself you CAN do something that will earn you enough need money to survive in the current human environment, i said, survival of the fittest. Then, it's what you do with the money that separates you from the rest.

  11. #11


    Man have I ever been educated by reading this thread haha... too bad I can't vote in the US because I actually feel like it at the moment.

    I have to say I'm very much with Stoked and the rest here though. Here's my oppinion:

    The rich get to keep more of their money while the poor have to pay more... this much is true. Should someone who has worked hard to accumulate a large amount of money have to pay more taxes then someone who hasn't been able to? No. It's the fact that the government is taking a lower percentage from people who have a lot of money then they are from those who NEED all the money they can get to live.

    If everyone could afford everything they need to live then there wouldn't be a problem. Rich people would have more money to spend on things they enjoy, while "poor" people would have to be a bit more conservative with their money by spending less cash on entertainment...and perhaps the rich deserve that luxury. However, there are a lot of people out there who as Stoked said cannot afford medicine, food, shelter, transportation or a lot of other things. Why do they have to pay a higher percentage then those who can afford such things and much more?

    If a poor man and a rich man went to a skatepark that charged 10 dollars for admission, should the rich person pay more? No they shouldn't, because that's an activity done for personal pleasure. This is a service that people CHOOSE to use and therefore pay for, and has nothing to do with life or death. You don't CHOOSE to whether or not you pay for food, you need it to live... you don't CHOOSE whether you pay to cure your cancer, because if you don't you'll die. Finally, you don't CHOOSE to pay taxes, because you are forced to in order to live in this country.

    If being poor meant you just couldn't do as many fun things, life would be fine. Making people pay a larger percent of their earned money BECAUSE they don't make as much is not.
    Last edited by SonicKaos; 09-05-2008 at 07:00 PM.

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