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  1. #1
    Amateur Flucker
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    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Roccityroller View Post
    I really don't know what to say... that seemed like it was 3 minutes long.


    everyone..every single person involved... WOW
    for sure, wasn't bored a second.. everything was great.. everyone brought something to the table.. I'd be here forever going over the tricks that I liked

  2. #2
    Blazing a Trail SupaFly's Avatar
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    Feb 2009




    damn...that was...

    pinch me....

    yeah that really did just happen,jesus h.....

    Quote Originally Posted by HorseHead View Post
    Fucking Psychonaut's taking over. We're like the Death Row Records of fake skateboarding.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stokenstein View Post
    So... We all agree, fuck Psychonaut?
    Quote Originally Posted by jerr bear View Post
    Giving it thumbs down would be soooo obliviously obvious.
    Quote Originally Posted by knexzor View Post
    You are one of the few who only have good clips and I often have to concentrate and rewatch clips to realize just how fucking crazy they all are.

    .:: Psychonaut ::.

  3. #3
    Awful Awfuls! Anchors's Avatar
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    My favorite team.
    Loved the song.
    Just gonna name fav tricks from each of you, cause there's way too many great tricks to mention.

    Eflixxx -treflip step-up
    HorseHead -kickflip out of the pool
    Troll -bluntslide shuv out
    Rob -wallie bs lip
    Hesh -thread-the-needle bs lip
    Bullety -switch hurricane?!

    Intro was killer Demz.

    I wanna thank Robley for the great editing on this.
    Hey it's Clay!
    Kickflip car-ride
    Kickflip noseblunt transfer
    Treflip front tail fakie out line
    Skinny yellow heel
    Wallride salad kickflip out
    Fs board to crook
    Shuv it tall-ass 5-0
    Ghettobird @ The Horsey gap

    I hope everyone could tell from my part that my power animal is an Isuzu Rodeo.

    Mr. Blue
    Magic Magic Magic. Cant thank you enough for editing this, SO FUCKING DOPE. (We asked him literally hours before this came out)
    Head's first line
    Demz -treflip over
    Demz -nollie crook
    Demz -big-ass nosebone
    Head -bigspin over
    Demz -270 lip to... fakie?! WOW

    Your best part yet. Great and I mean great editing on this one.
    I love that song (album)
    Switch fs 180 to 50-50 popfull bs 360 out
    fs doubleflip line
    Kickflip walltap shuv it?!
    bs smith bs flip out
    Doubleflip sugarcane
    fs 180 late fs shuv
    Switch treflip to switch noseslide
    Hurricane to fakie on the ledge
    Varial heel over the grass gap
    Halfcab flip nose grab
    Nollie sealtbelt overcrooks?
    bs heel UP the darkness
    fs bluntslide bs lipslide transfer
    Perfect 360 back footer
    GED line
    Kickflip bs noseblunt down the table
    Kickflip nosebonk
    Hurricane down Mr. Blue
    Hurricane rusty rail
    Ender WOW

    I'm really proud of this vid.

    Thanks to everyone that helped make it happen.

    8 days...

  4. #4
    Don't Worry, Be Happy seamonkeymadnss's Avatar
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    i felt inspired.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack View Post
    That was like getting a handjob in a blender . . . blood everywhere, people are crying, granny's in the corner clucking like a chicken, but you two just keep hitting the puree button.

  5. #5
    Fluckit Master fallingskyline's Avatar
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    There's a war outside of your window, it's destroying our world, so take the hand of a boy and a girl, and walk down the street and sing a happy make the world better. Peace on earth, environments, religion and pray to god!
    ... great video
    Skate Till Death (STD) / Doppelgänger Produktion (DP) / Small Town Crime (STC) / Dharma Inc. / Cap Faction ST

  6. #6
    FLuckin Mod Demzilla's Avatar
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    well damn....
    thanks for the kind words everybody....

    eflixxx your my heart....
    i told the devil that you said i could leave.....
    he said "cool"....
    even the devils a fan of you hahahah...

    we try for cannon balls...
    by your comments i think we succeeded...

    "perfect pacing, i love that"
    first edit comment from stevland...
    thats means i did somethin right!....
    fuck yeah....
    "DP or be bitch"...a new catch phrase of mine....
    thanks mr stevland....

    strong words sir..
    and i agree....
    enough tranny...
    fast and slow clips....
    war is my heart.....
    and to be the best yet means alot.....
    actually pawn your comment got me 5 clips yesterday...
    thank you very much sir....
    strong words from an important opinion means alot...

    i like to think of 54 as the bitch slap that sooths....
    it hurts...
    but its for the better....

    you know me well...
    best part?...
    fuck yeah.....
    everything i had went into it...
    even tears awwwwwww....

    7 days.............................................. ................

    i hope everybody is ok.....

    thanks man....
    i like to think we have a like minded experience with skate...
    but its the out the box fun that makes the difference...
    everyone did bring somethin special....
    its not the extreme of mannies to vert but i think skatehead really rounded us out....
    ol anchs up on roofs.....
    im normally flyin all over the place...
    and skatehead was relaxed and had a smoother feel to his part...
    with out that pace things found "feel" diff...
    big shout out to skatehead for coming though so hard...

    THAKNS SUPA!!!!!!!
    im happy to see you enjoyed...
    were alil diff than most...
    and most dont like it....
    so i appreciate you sitting through it all...

    thanks seamonkey hahahaha
    thast awesome...

    thanks falling...
    dont know were the quotes from but i like..
    "its destroying out world"...
    im sorry...
    im a monster...
    my feet are this big....
    i was born that way....

    thanks everybody...

    if it wasnt for the people and the community...
    these films would never be made..
    say thank you to yourselfs for pushing inspiration..
    for taking your own time to make films..
    and inspirong all of 54 to work and enjoy the way we do....

    fulls are for everyone....
    i consider 1954 fulls to say thank you to all....

    i watch everything and appreciate the work everyone does....
    because i watch those films i then skate the way i want....

    if it wasnt for everyones fun...
    there wouldnt be 1954 fun...

    cant thank you enough for the support....


    19 MOTHER FUCKIN 54!!!!!!!!.....

    (team review/shout out soon)

  7. #7
    Blazing a Trail SupaFly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fallingskyline View Post
    ... great video

    There's a war outside of your window, it's destroying our world, so take the hand of a boy and a girl, and walk down the street and sing a happy make the world better. Peace on earth, environments, religion and pray to god!
    ... great video

    vintage Jason Lee
    Quote Originally Posted by HorseHead View Post
    Fucking Psychonaut's taking over. We're like the Death Row Records of fake skateboarding.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stokenstein View Post
    So... We all agree, fuck Psychonaut?
    Quote Originally Posted by jerr bear View Post
    Giving it thumbs down would be soooo obliviously obvious.
    Quote Originally Posted by knexzor View Post
    You are one of the few who only have good clips and I often have to concentrate and rewatch clips to realize just how fucking crazy they all are.

    .:: Psychonaut ::.

  8. #8
    Blazing a Trail Jack's Avatar
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    Sep 2008


    HOlY Crap . . . how am I supposed to compete with eflixx's wall of review.

    Alright, here's a little baby play by play.

    Psychonaut part should be studied with a magnifying glass, it's pure gold.

    Skatehead - you slammed this part through a brick wall and ate some titty's on the side.

    Anchors, listen mister, the rest of us are trying to make a living while your out there destroying lives with shotgun blast to the face . . . . I heart Anchors.

    Demz - - my man, your part is edited so tightly together that it's almost too difficult to comprehend. Here's the math for your part .. . . 4 seconds = 1 hour of spot scoping+1 hour of ramp dragging+one hour of sessioning+1 hour of filming.

    195war ruled my Labor Day.
    "like a gnarly dog on PCP with gold teeth biting your face."

  9. #9
    Blazing a Trail thebullet's Avatar
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    the middle of canada


    anticipation for this was through the roof, but never for a second did I doubt that my high expectations would be exceeded.

    Demz, you're a mastermind, if I had a lot of money and could pay one person a salary to make these videos it would be you. Edit was amazing, Robley and Magic, you're edits were also amazing. Flow of this video was great, never a slow moment, felt shorter than most people's 3 minute solo's.

    Highlights for me:

    Eflixxx: I tried that 3flip up those stairs a few weeks ago, and deemed it no possible, then you did it. Still can't believe i'm teamates with you. Frontside flip over the sidewalk and stairs, I tried ollieing that once, took me forever, SO hard to hit that spot that way. You made it look easy.
    Horsehead: I was there when he did that blunt popout, his reel was full so he told robley to come film it, then did it for him first try. noseslide in the ditch...Again, you're eye for new spots makes me jealous
    Skelli: Blunt shuv out at cathedral, i know how hard that thing is to hit, i commend you. And that 360 kickflip off that tree was crazy
    Robley: you're 270 outs looked so good. Really loved that 5050 to ride away on the ledge, and that 50 shuv nosegrind looked sick.
    HESH: whenever you put something out it's pure gold. the way you turned out that noseblunt at the parkade, 360 signguy gap, DOUBLE GRIND!! Bonesless the channel gap, perfect!

    Ok, intro, CLASSIC DEMZ INTRO, again, use of slowmotion that makes me so jealous

    Loved your part man, such a good opener. Robley, amazing edit, as always
    -opening title clip with clay in it was great
    -kickflip onto the cop car!!!
    -kickflip noseblunt at CC transfer, perfect
    -kickflip onto the skinny yellow doubleset ledge
    -backsmithing through the two gaps at GVR
    -fence ride at deuling snakes
    -crooks to backsmith on the ledge against the wall
    -bigspin switch front crooks on the blue rail, favorite trick in your part
    -Tailslide fingerflip, second favorite trick in your part
    -kickflip backsmith bench setup, so hot
    -ender was beautiful

    favorite part of the video for me. I can't explain what seeing his part in the last 54 full did to me, it's what made me say "ok, that's it, I'm buying a harddrive for my xbox and making videos". First time I met you in a party, it was like meeting a celebrity. This new part of yours, gave me the exact same feeling as your other one in the previous full. didn't think that would happen. Style so aggressive, both in filming/editing and tricks that works perfectly.
    -switch front shuv shifty, I love how you give your tricks the little shifty sometimes, looks so good
    -5050 back 180 onefooter out, loved how you got into that 5050
    -footplant on the wall
    -lip to smith
    -footplant up that step up gap in old town, NEVER would i thought to hit that like that, HOW????
    -seatbelt noseblunt on the dumpster
    -heelflip tight bank over grass to street
    -kickflip crooks old rusty...eyes almost popped outta my head
    -tailgrab fence post kick, LOVED HOW THE FILMING SO MUCH IT MADE ME WANNA CRY
    -5050 up that ledge????? then frontside flip down...only you could do that
    -heelflip shifty, loved it
    -kickflip frontblunt shuv...favorite trick in your part
    -grinding under that awning thing???
    -onefoot backflip!!
    -loved your ender

    Mr. Blue:
    -I'm getting lazy, and wanna get to reviewing demz part. Hardflip backtail inside of the rail wins!! Sick edit magic

    Ooo demz, how is it that every part you put out, breaks new ground and gets better then your last??? You've influenced me and so many others in this game more then anyone else. I can't imagine what this whole community would be without you. Part was so badass, you gotta watch it so many times to catch everything

    -line with the fakie ollie up that tall ledge
    -backsmith to bsflip out on the hubba, so dope
    -then following it with a doubleflip backlip
    -switch heel frontboard on the ledge to drop
    -basically all the clips on that upledge in the stacks
    -crazy thread the needle hippy jump
    -front halfcab flip nosegrab, BEAUTIFUL
    -nollie over those stairs, best looking trick ever done on that set
    -hurricane to pop over to front board on the library curvy ledge...oh my GAWD!!!
    -kickflip gap backlip shuv
    -line with the blunt up and down the turned over picnic table, so so sick, kickflip you did on the quaterpipe looked so amazing too
    -that like...sideways nosegrind boneless out, i don't even know what that was, but it was awesome
    -hurricane on that big cement, i see know why you were so psyched when you got that
    -kickflip nosebonk newspaper stand in the ditch.
    -switch tre lip on the robley rail at fantasy factory
    -backside flip and 360 kickflip into the picnic table, both looked so great, filming...LOVE
    -line that started with the kickflip feeble and ended with the wallie 360, favorite clip IN THE WHOLE VIDEO
    -one footed grab 50 on mr. blue???? almost fainted
    -hurricane old rusty
    -ender, GOING BIG!!!

    pefect full...PERFECT

    edit: how the f*k did i forget to mention hesh, i'm an idiot
    Last edited by thebullet; 09-08-2009 at 11:17 AM.

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