first, this was an awesome vid, really happy we did it like this, everybody delivered hard.

heres my fav clips:

035 fsblunt to skinny
043 ss3flip front angle
105 fsnkf fitting tweak
112 kfbsts50fakie hot combo
136 3flip ns old rail fenceshot is awesome

202 ollie up ss heel good shot
221 alleyop bs360
238 fsrocknrollslide
246 nbsbigspints perfect
300 50 drop to bank - best clip in the video, totally rad

310 run on 5050
313 kfhurry - mad attitude
330 intense san fran line

710 3flip flat is beautiful
738 ss50 bigspin looked realistically sketchy
800 360kfvarial
811 fskf good tweak
835 nbsdubheel great angle
845 ncrockstransfer
859 nbsheel great tweak

953 fakie crocks
958 cabbsnbs with lovely poppet, and best filming ever on this rail
1007 bsts its hard
1047 5050 fsbs sweet
1054 smithtsfakie great combo, very real
1133 ns on a untapped spot
1157 bsfootplant fence =)
1217 50fakie
1234 nosegrind nice spot
1247 ender