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  1. #1
    administrator thesignguy's Avatar
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    I never said we evolved from apes, that is the most untrue thing i ever hear. I think apes and humans evolved from something prior to apes and humans. Like Obama being related to who was it Lincoln or washington? You cant make a Obama baby washington again, it doesnt work like that. I think somewhere in the chain a pre human pre ape animal had two kids. One went to the woods and ate a banana, one went to a cave and broke a egg open with a rock. Then both had kids. Both learned different things to survive in there environment and adapted and 1000's of years later became what they are today.

    Have other animals evolved into other things? Yes everything has evolved from single cell organisms.

    Do I believe this 100%? No I can not say that there isnt a shred of my mind that doesnt believe (hope more like it) that evolution is a farse. It is easier to go to sleep at night thinking of pearly gates and poofy clouds where i see all my dead family and friends and spend eternity in bliss with them. The thought of absolutly nothing after you die is hard to grasp, VERY HARD!!!! But I have not found a good teacher of this, most churches I have visited, spend more time asking for money and singing the same songs over and over than actually trying to learn about the bible, Or Jesus. Carl Seagan was a brilliant man, proving evolution his entire life. Until a few years before he died he said he could not disprove religion. I hope for my last day or two of my life I go out like that, it would just be easier to let go, you know? I have always struggled with religion for the sole fact of: when you are born your religion 99% of the time is picked for you by your place of birth and beliefs of your parents. Why is it fair for someone born in Isreal to have a dif fate than someone born in Rome? It just doesnt make sense.

    And yes the majority of the poppulation needs to be shown a path. We are for the most part dumb. And do not act apon right and wrong without being shown first. Look at it this way: Out of all the girls you know, how many of them have had something from a date rape to a family member do something terible to them. In my case well over 50% honestly get to know a girl more times than not it will come out. OK now if this is true, maybe a higher percent for me, i dont know. That would mean let say for repeat offender purposes 25% of all men have done this to a girl at some time. Maybe that number is high, maybe it is low. For argument sake let say that its 10% which I am sure is low. That would mean everyday passing people on a daily basis, you see 10 or more dudes that have done something terrible to a girl, maybe even some who posted here in this thread, maybe even you? Now this being said I think all things even the bad are necessary for our survival. We learn from the bad, we fix and change from the bad. The bad has made us who we are today. Chew on that and that is only one example amongst thousands of examples, YES WE NEED TO BE TOLD WHAT TO DO. Maybe less sometimes and more others but the alturnative would just not work.
    Last edited by thesignguy; 10-01-2009 at 08:17 AM.
    Helen Adams Keller

  2. #2
    administrator thesignguy's Avatar
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    St. Louis


    haha if i wouldnt of took so long Pawn would not of beat me. I knew EB wasnt on so it just had to be Pawn haha
    Helen Adams Keller

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