damn. horsehead always makes me feel like ive entered another dimension when i watch his vids and rob always burns an impression on my brain. Together it makes for something reminiscent of a good acid trip; excellent stuff. I love the goat too; it sounds like he's looking for his friend "Bob."
HH--nollie to the bank, nollie bs heel, bs noseblunt shuv. you skate some of the most massive stuff and pull it off well. Last gap is nutso.
Rob--Kill BMX gap ruled. nollie heel tailslide fs flip (omg, so good). mongo plaza line; sick halfcab crooks. sw flip back tail 180 out, nosegrind to gap out and the kf back tail gap; love those.
Raddy rips! not even the grass can slow him down.
fs bigspin over the 'sunday session' gap was beautiful and great ramping with the car horn on that nollie flip. But the blunt kf was extra special; your new indian-name is "bank to wall".
Vid was too sick for this many words but i had to do it.