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  1. #1
    Blazing a Trail Jack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pawnluvguitarist View Post
    . Art is art, expressing your creativity, doesn't really matter what your medium of choice is, does it? Not to me at least...
    Pawn . . . I think I love you.

    Schnav, Gym, this game is something that we all love. There is no "too much love" unless you just lost your job because you can't turn the box off.

    As long as we're all paying bills and holding down our personal lives, nobody can tell me what to do with my free time.

    HC mode could be a divisive feature. I see it wrecking serious havoc at the kid's table and at skatethis.

    What I hope, is that fluckit steers clear of any bullshit. These are the dudes, the men, this is the place.

    If I see a full Bullet part set to mickey mouse music and it's in easy mode, I'm still going to watch it, and if it's sick, I'll give the man his proper dues.

    We have to hold our selves to our own standards without holding anyone else to them.

    I know a lot of us already put in work to get our tricks. I can't tell you how many times I've been chilling with Stevland, listening to him drink his way through 90 minutes of skinny to slanted skinny gap war.

    For me, wallriding up the darkness started in Sept 2009, and when I got it I shit myself, and walked around town like a proud papi.

    If HC gives me that feeling on every trick, I will love it and hate at the same time.

    We have to hold our selves to our own standards without holding anyone else to them.

    Fluckit unite.
    "like a gnarly dog on PCP with gold teeth biting your face."

  2. #2
    Don't Worry, Be Happy jest118's Avatar
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    Let me preface this by saying... I'm buzzing a bit right now.

    I kind of thought there would be some issues around mixing clips and such. I mean I remember "the kids table" when Realistic vs. Non-Realistic came up and it was pretty harsh.

    I can definitely see another war brewing between HC and Non-HC. In that light, I definitely side with Jack. To each their own, you know?

    It's like.. every direction that one could choose to take.. has it's own merits and difficulties. I mean.. it's like Street vs. Tranny back in the late 90's early 2k. Everyone just needs to recognize that each have their merits n shit.

    I can't say that I'll watch every vid of every style and all that. I'll definitely have a preference. But that doesn't mean I gotta hate on Smithy B because he doesn't ride my style. He's gonna do him, I'm gonna do me, and hopefully.. we can recognize that and be chill.

    Hopefully what I'm saying here relates to the thread and isn't just me trippin off my drank.

  3. #3


    See...I like this place for this one takes themselves too seriously here. Yay Fluckit!

    On topic:
    I want to approach HC like I approached the OG Skate demo...and take time to learn individual tricks. I remember spending hours the first couple of days the demo was out just learning how to do noseslides and tailslides consistently.

    I want to have that same experience well as develop my own sense of style and grace. HC opens the doors for that.

    As to more recent comments, drama will always exist amongst the core of this game's community. Fortunately, all that drama is all over at the main EA forums. It's a breath of fresh air here.

  4. #4
    Amateur Flucker Jakeblueisballin's Avatar
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    HC is hyping me up so much.
    Just imagine,
    someone comes out with a part. It's UNREALISTIC. But done in HC? Do I give them hella props? Definitely.
    I feel like no matter how YOU skate in HC, it's going to be gnarly as fuck.
    I know I'm going to use the hell out of the new features,
    Darkslides, underflips, perfectly combined animations.
    My first Skate 3 demo solo will contain some realistic darkslides and maybe an underflip or two.
    I just can't wait for S3.
    It's going to replace MW2 for good
    I survived the demo days

  5. #5
    Amateur Flucker darthmonkeyman's Avatar
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    Great discussion here.
    I think its all down to personal preference with regards to hc/ non-hc. If someone puts out a great solo or part on normal im not gonna mind, actually im probably going to like their non-conformity. If hc doesnt match with their style well thats okay.
    As for people pretending to skate hc... we'll let the kids table worry about that.

    On a different note i think id like to see a pawn and skatevid gaps video on easy mode...
    "Is that a baby carrot in your pocket are you just packing lunch for your vegetarian wife?"

  6. #6
    Lb Magazine BladderBoy's Avatar
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    I appreciate you guys keeping me engaged though 43 posts - that was very thoughtful and honest. Thanks.

    It's HC for me, 99.9999% of the time*. Not because of the the way the tricks look, or for the bragging rights. I care more about the way the game plays. It will be more challenging, but more intuitive. THAT'S my reward. Bragging rights and smooth videos are the bonus. Can't wait.

    *.0009% accounts for when I need to score 500,000 points on the XGames mega ramp to unlock the final CAP warehouse hidden on the other side. I'll fucking button mash my way in AND out of a triple backflip coffin on easy, no worries.
    Last edited by BladderBoy; 04-07-2010 at 12:56 AM. Reason: 43 not 42

  7. #7


    prob just starting on Hardcore and keeping it that way... but then again who the fuck knows. Skate 2 was to easy, lets hope HC is how they say.

  8. #8
    Seeing the Light yellowsnow's Avatar
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    i think overall hardcore mode will make basic gameplay much more difficult, but i think it could make some things easier too.

    for example, hurricanes, the only reason hurricanes take few a tries now is cause you have to fight the physics from locking the front truck down. If hardcore mode has less grind magnetism it will reward player accuracy and not force us to overcompensate to fight the physics. The trick might actually be easier in a way.

    if this is true ^... i think everyone will play in hardcore mode all the time then.

  9. #9
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    Hardcore mode really isn't as fun as I thought it would be. The no grind suction sucks ass. It's just to hard to do a decent grind now. I jumped in between two rails which were only like 2 feet apart from each other. Also, it's almost impossible now to do a fun line.

  10. #10
    Blazing a Trail schnavolda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dusky View Post
    Also, it's almost impossible now to do a fun line.
    a lot harder? yes.
    impossible? no.

    for me, hardcore is exactly what the series needed. so much more control over everything and it just feels right.

    i mean what do people expect? the demo is out for like 30 hours at least and so many people are saying hc is too hard. ever heard of learning curve? think back to the og demo, it took weeks to learn everything. now everybody (who has not skated ungrindables a lot) needs to relearn grinds. and you can always switch back to easycore.
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  11. #11
    Seeing the Light yellowsnow's Avatar
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    i remember thinking that the physics on the OG demo were impossible.

    A month from now when the full game comes out we'll all be a lot better.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by schnavolda View Post
    so much more control over everything
    What do you mean by that? Over what do you have more control? The controls are exactly the same, only the outcome is different and therefore a lot harder.

  13. #13


    I personally like being able to do exactly what I want, when I want during a line. HC mode can make this rather difficult at times where it's tricky to just get onto a rail/ledge the right way. That can really put a damper on the rest of the line I've thought up, considering that one trick is so harsh. Also, when ya'll are filming lines and what not, it's easy to play Normal and just not pop as high and things of that nature. But you already knew thaat.

    Oh and,

  14. #14
    Amateur Flucker okami16's Avatar
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    HC is everything i excpexted. Learning curve is exactly what i wanted it to be like.
    we'll all master it eventually so dont write it off if you cant grind a ledge on your first try, and if you dont like it ... switch back to s2 mode... That simple.

    what i do think is a bit harsh is the watermark. a touch humilliating, no?
    Quote Originally Posted by Roccityroller View Post
    opinions are like assholes. everyone has one, but noone gives a damn about yours.

  15. #15
    Seeing the Light Amp Game's Avatar
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    Loving HC mode. Feels like sakting, also love that fact i can manny a bench with out the grind lock.

    Also love the low pops off rails, hated throwing in a shuv off a rail that popped 2 foot above it.

    I think the new videos will look good, especially when someone has a run of a few tricks and getting to the next part of there line throws in a Tre or 360 HF on the flat you know thats squeeky bum time and there sakting with some confidence.

    Still finding those tres etc hard to pull on the flat, have to pop them so fact and accurate ! Love it !

    Agree though with the demo area too many wide open spaces.
    This is my skateboard. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My board is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my board is useless. Without my board, I am useless.

  16. #16
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    Not 100% impressed to be honest...

    ++ Low pop out of grinds and manuals
    ++ No grind suction from the top of ledges

    -- Can't do low 3s on flat anymore
    -- Still easy to do ridiculous tricks out of grinds and manuals
    -- Fully popped tricks are still way too high

  17. #17
    Blazing a Trail schnavolda's Avatar
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    i so hope for a clearly visible and easy to spot difference between hardcore and normal footage.

    at this point, i don't have the eye yet to see a difference, because normal can look a lot like hardcore if done right, but it still is a lot easier to pull everything off. especially in lines, you can see if grinds are all too perfect locked and there is no loss of speed at all even without pushing, especially after grinds.

    i've seen footage already where i was like "this is no way hc", although people said it was.
    show us your teeth and show us your tits and show us the scars from the shit that you did.

    my footage @ youtube & vimeo

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