i don't know... you can't have NO magnetism.. you have to reach a point where the game realizes that the player SHOULD be grinding and, I think, that the time of contact is too late. Things are delayed, animations-wise many times in this game, allways has... look at some of the board bounce flip tricks from s1/s2...

so if the game isn't realizing that you're trying to grind until you actually grind, you'll run into issues with things acting ungrindable, even if only for a moment, it will be enough to screw up the animation.

Idk, i like the way s3 is... people aren't going to be happy either way. it does add variability and difficulty to tricks, which is what we wanted. It'll add replay value because we'll be spending more time on things and things won't become "automatic". Lets be honest... when the game drops, people will have a handle on the approaches in hardcore in a month or two... and everyone will be used to it, no magnetism or not. And things will become automatic. If the game adds variability, whether real or glitchy, then the game DOESN'T become automatic.

I don't want automatic skate. I feel like that's how S2 was for the last 3 months. i would think of what i wanted to do and within some time, i would do it, regardless.