personally I love the new city, its beautiful, very aesthetically pleasing. Not a lot of "perfect" handrails and sets, but a lot of opportunity for the quirky little things that i'm into. I like not being handed spot after spot, although there are quite a few nice ones, but i like being able to add on to pre-existing setups to make things work.

It kinda just comes down to your mindset and how you look at things. Seeing the possibilities, finding something where others see nothing. I kind of see the districts as just different backdrops for CAP, instead of starting from scratch, you are in a beautiful environment with a few obstacles already there as your starting point.

I dont see myself giving up on S3, im liking it far more than the other games, and with object dropper, CAP and hardcore mode, (and hopefully the patch that gives us more merging options) I think i'd be content if this was the final game.