im underwhelmed...

reynolds part was not on par with "tis" or his b3 part..
not by a long shot....
hurts to say cause ive loved the dude since he was 14....

the one thing that i dont agree with, with most production these days is the constant one track theme....
unfortunately this go it wasnt the style of edit it was the repetition of runs to double angles ON TOP of 2 min parts...
3 years to film isnt 2 min...
2 peeves right on top of each other...

hermans part is ok...
but by his skill, age, and ability its about as lazy as a stoner hes become could get...

possibly the best part...
his tricks arent too crazy yet there always a bit over the standard for himself..
and i can see that when he skates...
it is a struggle....
even if hes a generally smooth skater....
dude is the last of dieing breed of skaters that actually want to push them selfs...

Jamie Towncowny...
kick smiths..
wallie hurry full out....
most effort from anybodies part..
besides maybe Marquise Preston...
impressed with both to say the least...

jerrys part...
so excited...
but at a 2 min part and 1 mins worth of bails you have to wonder as to why they even edited it in the first place...
its an insult to jerrys hard work..
and insult to the editor..
and for emerica its just bad business to ok for the public...
so far beyond disappointed...
even though every trick was fire...

like ellington in "tis"..
stole the fucking show...
felt like a part..
everything was well rounded...
ender was beast as is...
and it was the least of the parts to make me watch the same trick twice...

i miss the days of one camera...

all in all..

no slomo drama parts...
no double parts...
one theme much room for more...

my assumption is that the baker boys have something special for there next baker parts...
those guys never slack for the board co and id like to keep some hope for b4...

it would be stupid for me to assume reynolds part was going to be amazing..
he getting older and he tries to stay comfortable...
thats fine...

brayden won...
leo showed his growth......
reynolds made a decent part...
the ams busted ass...
spanky could have been better..
herman could have been better..
hsu injuries made the worst part...
westgate goes fast on bigger things, big woop, welcome back to 98....

and i feel like a dick for saying it...

business wise...
i cant warrant a purchase without some flavor...
with the time spent..
tricks accomplished..
il just stick to my reynolds shoes....
rip reynolds 1..remakes..and the boss remakes...
2s are ok but for the most part emericas shoes by style and design have changed so much since its beginning this film almost seems like a "i miss you" to its original idea and image...