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  1. #1
    Blazing a Trail bohemian's Avatar
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  2. #2
    The Smelliest Skatehead's Avatar
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    fuck yeah flix...

  3. #3
    UG/Popless Pioneer pawnluvguitarist's Avatar
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    Hard at Lurks part really stood out for me. Lots of unique stuff, was refreshing.

  4. #4
    Blazing a Trail
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    downloading it

    already watched it at work... i was like
    knex is sex
    hesh is so fucking clean... paying attention at what i pay attention at :P
    bullet is the best
    amazing edit, amazing song selection, and sick part by robley

    i m gonna watch it now at home with better conditions

    Its dope guys, really really dope

  5. #5
    Breaker of Fluckit mamba12's Avatar
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    intro/titles/overall edit were straight professional with a great selection of music
    supa - made tech look beautiful. back smith bigflip out was sick, fakie tre to skinny, skinny hardflip skinny, tons of great doubles, my only gripe was that a lot of art gallery clips made me feel like this was kind of last minute but ender killed
    drfa - surprised how great that was. gap to 5050 at 6:59 was omg. bs 360 heel (so stylee), nollie tre tail and the epic grab 5050
    hesh - filming was 100% perfect throughout with all the clean style to match. 5050 hubba to stair gap, kf tail the deathbox, front blunt fs flip out, sw 5-0 180 nosegrind, back lip kf, front smith kf
    lurk - a lot i liked, but one too many half-sideways landings, and some questionable filming (when you went through the ledge) front lip and kf back lip the bank! 5050 to skinny bank and wallie skinny manny
    friends was dope, no titles. skelli's front tail to blunt, blackhawks art gallery line, clay bs blunt to noseblunt, stev blunt kf to fakie, southy
    knex - god-like. opener, wallride boneless, fingerflip to broken wall, halfcab tuckknee! ender dropped my jaw
    i always look forward to horse, so big and raw. 5050 ledge to boardslide rail, acid drop to map, pop shuv to balcony, tre overcrook 180, 270 back noseblunt,
    robley - sabbath takes the cake, incredible filming and easily the best (most stylish) smiths and feebles out there, flat noseblunt, wow wallride 5050, hippy jump the channel, street stepup tre, ender
    bullet - this was what i hope for for a curtains part. kf nosegrind ug! hella sketchy style fakie 270 lip, awesome blunt kf to fakie, greenman 5050 no comply, ender was perfect

    i left out a lot in this review and it still took me an hour plus to write

    Totally lived up to all my expectations. everyone needs a little more psychonaut in their lives.
    Last edited by mamba12; 10-07-2010 at 11:47 AM.
    Threat YouTube Channel

    Quote Originally Posted by ps3.old-skooler-34
    I watched all the videos and they were ok. I don't have a video, but I can do double back flips to blunt slide AND 360 lazer flip out.. I asked my dad and he agrees, I'm the best on here.

  6. #6
    FLuckin Mod Demzilla's Avatar
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    100% exactly what i want from fakeboarding....

    i could not..and i ask for more...
    the entire project was amazing..

    its amazing how everyone has there details on filming...
    with some beautiful editing each persons style was able to shine beside each other to make one incredible full length...
    the team is stacked as always but this feat of individualization through filming is truly remarkable..
    8 stacked and i remember everyones part..
    that to me is amazing...
    prolly because of the edits i love...
    good edits work but great edits wow...
    theres no way to showcase yourself better than a song that fits your feeling and an edit to explode the content beyond fakeboarding...
    making me the viewer feel the same excitement as i do for real life films....
    not only was it accomplished but it was accomplished 9 times over...

    i can not ask for more from .skate......

    i know what robley wants out of psycho..
    the feeling he likes or the look hes going for..
    robley makes it happen over and over again..
    making each project more amazing than the next...
    impressive sir...

    all hail...

    psycho is alice cooper and 54 is wayne and garth...
    were not worthy....

    thanks you psychonaut....
    i greatly appreciate the work and effort from everyone...

    as much as it pains me to to not review this entirely...
    (face it...theres a lot of badass shit to comment on)

    i have to mention my growing enlarging elephantiasis love for KNEXOR....
    (elephantiasis is the swelling of my balls)

    who ive now secretly named nex-roar cause dude is way too sick...
    sick like sars and ebola had a kid with hiv then it raped ecoli to make a hurricane made of the plague virus..

    you sir are inspiration...
    what ever you do..
    what every killing rituals you have before you play..
    what ever drugs enhance your vision...
    what ever beer makes you piss gold..
    do not stop doing it....
    what ever your doing..
    do not stop....

    i wont beg...
    il ask nicely...

    please knexor....

    special note...
    its not dick riding when your a groupie....

  7. #7
    Yes You Can!
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    WHOA. Crazy. I picked the wrong time to flaunt my bullshit.. Amazing.

  8. #8
    Resident Fruitbooter Roccityroller's Avatar
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    yea blah blah everything was great from everyone not enoguh for full review {insert what everyone else already said}

    But Rob wins for me. His section was soooo fucking dope. My favorite by far. Ender, massive hippie jump over the river, every trick, really.

    Filming nuances between people was cool. Lurks cams were a little much for me, even when i was drunk.
    Hoodlum Threat
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  9. #9
    World's Greatest Grandpa Permy's Avatar
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    supa's part was good
    drfa has the coolest socks ever
    hesh is the cleanest person in this game, fuck fluffers
    lurk's cameras are definitely the jerkiest cameras ever <3 ender was retarded good
    OH LOOK THERE'S ME, and southy -.-
    i'll address knexzor in a minute
    horsehead is now in my top ten favorite fakeskaters
    robley's bad at the game, and is amazing at editing, WE CANT ALL WIN ALL THE TIME NOW CAN WE MISTER PROFESSIONAL EDITOR PANTS <3
    and bullet.. speechless

    basically what demz said

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Was afraid it was gonna be weak compared to the hype.

    It wasn't weak, though I skipped through a lot but that's me.

    Knex is still my fav.

  11. #11
    Amateur Flucker iRipper89's Avatar
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    copied from the kids table:

    I was going to make this review all sarcastic and witty but i just don't think that would do this video justice.

    I watched this through every insane gap, sick double angle, skinny ledge, after all the running starts, and sketchy landings, i kept watching after the commercial, and i was glued every time something was ramped because i didn't know where this video was going to leave me, yet i stayed and watched, i watched the credits roll and smiled at the inside jokes you had in there and i liked that you took notice that i'm iRipper, not IRipper. But i realized some things that this video was missing...over used film burns, clips where all you can see is the skaters friggin ankles and the board, the same wallies, pole jams, and kickflip noseslide spot, and you what? i was damn happy about that, because even though I myself are guilty of some of those things. This is how a god damn fake skate video should be.

    Congratulations guys.

  12. #12
    FLuckin Mod Stevland's Avatar
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    round two, don't have a lot to add, knex is the icing too, but all killed. like the production value too. and thanks for having me!

  13. #13


    YOU GUYS KILLED THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!...... In a good way

  14. #14
    Yes You Can! The Revolutionist's Avatar
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    Honestly, this has better production values than some real life videos. Proper vid, well done to all.

  15. #15
    Blazing a Trail Skatevid2's Avatar
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    About time..

    Intro was great. A bit wierd but thats the Pyscho style I guess..

    Supafly... unskateable back tail, flip fakie. double grinds of course. awesome. That feeble in the old factory looked ridiculous... that "noseblunt" across the sidewalk thing. ive been wanting to do one of those, now i won't seem original. oh well. haha. who hippy jumps a gap?

    DRFA... noseblunt stall..i like that gap over the ledge to handrail. nice idea. DIY nosegrind transfer was well done. awh that parkade grab was awesome. ender was dope too

    Hesh... Dammnn kickflip tail that low in a pool? crazy ledge lines. smith flip out. oh shit, nose over to blunt sanitarium. great part.

    Hard At Lurk... crazy filming.. downstairs lipslide was neat kickflip nose to bank at ghetto spot.. drehoble fakie on the barrier was awesome

    Knexzor... Right off the start, that bricklynn line was goood. firecracker grind? haha. ooh, hurricane to bank. Holyy Shit, judo tail could not have been better. perfect.

    Horsehead... Fuck, you used a gap I was going to use. dammit. Sign drop in was great. FUCK, you did another one of my gaps, it was a nice pop shuv though.. WHAT THE.. stop lurking my reel. wallie late shuv was sick... i got a wallie bs win. ooh, back tail flip fakie in the pool. stop sign slide was sick, id like to see someone do that outside.

    Robley.. Im sorry my friends clip was too late. i forget things. nice wallie tail line. crazy gap at university.. did you clip? i think you did..noseblunt from hell. supafly i'm sorry i questioned your hippy jump gap..iguess its a pyshco thing. awesome none the less. Biiig tre up..great part robley.

    Bullet... Somehow I knew you would be getting ender..starting line was sick. loong ungrindable nosegrind.. and the sideways footplant. holy shit pole ride madness.. what..greensuit, ender...

    truly felt like a real full length. great job everyone

  16. #16
    Blazing a Trail robley's Avatar
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    i want to genuinely and sincerely thank everyone for watching and enjoying this. it took a long time to come together, but come together it did. i'm proud that all of us old dudes could manage to put in work like this on something we've been into for so long. i'm sad it was lacking a part, but life is life and hopefully we'll see something from him again soon.

    skatevid, i did NOT clip that ledge, and we're going to duel over the insinuation.

    there's some CAP clips in the friends' section, but in the team parts i did manage to let one CAP clip slide. first person to find it doesn't win anything.

    again, thank you everyone.
    gitCHu ONe. [14|Dec 11:33 AM]: fluckit itself is not natural
    [02:24 PM] saunders420: looks dope
    [02:26 PM] saunders420: nvm looks gay
    [11:13 AM] Richie x Jackson: horsehead you a juggalo?

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Ohhh, you fancy huh

  18. #18
    Blazing a Trail HorseHead's Avatar
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    Oh shit, let me get my comment in real quick before this shit drops off the face of the earth (page 1).

    First off, Nelson, your avatar has been grossing me out for some time now. Porn's okay, but that couple looks like they're making love and that's just gross.

    Now, since that's been handled.

    Supafly, I was worried that I'd seen all of your good stuff in S3 since you've been in so many collabs and all that. You proved me entirely wrong. So much amazing footage. That line at NY Maloof was rad, I'd never even thought to skate that stuff. Other standout was the suburbs grind/bonk business. 2nd to last trick at the art gallery was crazy as fuck. Your tricks are so good and so tech that they're too long to even type out.

    DRFA, that song worked perfectly with your skating. You have such a unique part full of really cool stuff that no one could duplicate. Your filming is siiiiiick. That line in front of the hotel with the nosebone over the rail and the switch bs heel lateflip was my personal fave. Street ollie to grind to 180 to quick ass fakie big heel up the curb. That ruled. I'm incredibly fucking jealous of your second to last trick at the parkade. Wish I would've thought of that. Ender was the best trick done at the spot, ever.

    Heshfield, another good song. Perfect filming. You are the most precise filmer, I wish I could film lines like you do. KF FS tailslide in the pool was as perfect as it could be. FS Blunt FS Flip out at Memorial was A+. Switch 5-0 180 to crooked grind? God damn. Line at the Sanitorium was insane. Ender was one of a kind, in the best way possible. Filming was perfect. You're underrated man, you fucking kill it.

    Lurk, your part was fucking rad and too short. That line that starts with the fs blunt over the rail was awesome. Wallie to manual at DIY, fuck yeah. Both lipslides at Rosalita. Barrier to barrier FS Flip. Ghetto spot nose stall thing. I don't know what that was, but it looked cool. I know you get a lot of heat for your cams but I think they're awesome. They fit your style of skating, it wouldn't make sense to see it any other way. I don't even know how you did that ender. I can't even think about moving my fingers that fast.

    Friends. Good job friends. You all had good clips, get your own fucking video and I'll comment on it.

    Knex, jesus christ. Your S2 stuff was good, but ever since S3 came out you are seriously top 3 in this game and that's being conservative. Every single trick was good. That half cab tucknee, was aaaaamaaaazzzing. The line after that too. Ungrindable line... I don't know what to say about that. It's too good for words. Ender? Best trick that will ever be done at that spot. It's dead now. Good going Knex, you killed a wall.

    Me, thanks for putting up with me jumping off of roofs and other ridiculous ass shit I do. You guys rule.

    Robley, Seriously great editing and titles on this. It was well worth the wait, everything was top notch. You're too good at this stuff. One day when you're rich and famous this will be the embarrassing little fact about your career, you know? Like, how Tom Hanks used to be Rick Moranis. True story. Also, your part was amazing. I wish you put out as much stuff as you did in S2, but it makes it that much better when there's some rare Robley footage out. That extra touch of style on everything makes any trick you do look fantastic. Killed the red rails. That shit's dead now too. Ender was so so so sick.

    Bullet, The dude that everyone copies for a reason. Every trick in this part could be the ender of anyone else's videos. Song selection was really good and fit perfectly. Your cams are copied for a reason, they're perfect. I can't write that much about your part because every trick was something I couldn't do if you gave me a week. Your ender hurts my head to think about. That's like every impossible trick that I've never done smashed into one trick.

    I'm so glad I'm on such a great team. You guys rule. I felt like such a nerd for being so stoked on this video.

  19. #19
    Moderator of Fluckit knexzor's Avatar
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    I tried to play-by-play it, came about halfway through hesh's part... this is not the way to go...
    putting my feelings to words is hard right now, everybody kills so hard it's unbelievable
    thanks guys... supa, dan, hesh, lurk, horse, matt and especially robley
    took alot of work but damn worth every minute.. love you
    Quote Originally Posted by Clayfighter
    this was florescent beige , so good it makes no sense
    Quote Originally Posted by Stevland
    abba is not as cool as nazis but it's fucking close

  20. #20
    Fluckit Master Granka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bohemian View Post
    I watched it in a quite similar way. Big TV and surround sound.

  21. #21
    Fluckit Master heshfield's Avatar
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    I been meaning to post this, so, since its bumped..

    Im really thankful for this video (and being in it), my team, and everyone's comments--Im really glad to see it was well recieved.
    A lot of hard work went into this; it shows in every part and the meticulous edit of each--robley is always taking it to another level, and with awesome titles and effects that make us look good.

    Supa's tech and ability to jam so many tricks into his part is amazing, and to think he had a full part filmed and re-did the entire thing--I cant imagine how much time he puts into this..or maybe he's a machine--one that does lipslide noseblunts and cab noseslide nosebonks.
    DRFA picked a great song and skated his ass off--killing that curve ledge at slappys and the FS wallride grinder yank-out was definitely one of my favorite tricks.
    Lurk's part is raw and ruthless with skating that is just as fast and gnar as his song choice--the 5-0 fakie on the huge ribbon was insane.
    Knexzor is the new guy that makes us all look bad with firecracker 50-50s, fingerflips to skinny, and tailwalks over rails into sick looking overcrooks. I cant even grind that bank to wall he did that madonna on--damn.
    Horsehead pulled out some of the most impressive gaps Ive seen, the longlense shots are better than ever, adding a great sense of atmosphere and vibe to the edit, and killer tricks like the kf bs grab over the fence, the blunt flip pop-over, and the 270 noseblunt. The gap nosegrab to tail-bash on the rail was sick.
    The fact that Robley's part is so epic allows me to deal with the fact that he nabbed the stoner-metal thing this time--not to mention the 5-0 hurricane on the spine, the wallride 50-50 over the hydrant, and the gap 3flip from the street to skinny. I sure as hell didnt see you "clip" any ledge either.
    And, Bullet, with a very well-deserved last part. He had already earned it, but this part is perfect for it--especially this video. Song, filming, tricks, spots--the line with the fs lip bigspin, sw front shuv nosegrind to skinny, polejam wallie crail body varial--unfathomable. Cab tailslide bs flip revert, blunt kickflip to fakie on the green triangle..with one of the best longlense angles of the whole vid. FS 180 fakie 5-0 to fakie 5-0, KF ungrindable 50-50 nocomply straight off the shift at the hospital. That hardflip tailslide 270 shuv ender is mindblowing, like a knock-out punch; theres even a 'ring of the bell' in the song--a very fitting end to the whole thing.

  22. #22
    Seeing the Light zeb's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    amazing video.its stuff like this that makes wanna keep playing this game.
    you guys are the super pro's of the fake skating world.....
    well done.....

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