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  1. #1
    Blazing a Trail
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    Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by robley View Post
    i did not, you bastards.
    sick spot for a bs tail, you got mad pop

    Nice comment to calm down : Thanks for having me in the friends section
    Last edited by Slamooh; 10-08-2010 at 07:26 AM.

  2. #2
    Blazing a Trail thebullet's Avatar
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    the middle of canada


    I'm not even being Biased, this is my favourite skate3 full. There have been many good ones, and some might argue that this is to long, but those people are stupid because how can you have to much awesome? hey? HOW? Not counting myself, but everyone else in my opinion put out there best fake skate parts yet.

    I feel like you all have your own unique style. Like if I saw a clip from you in a montage I'd be able to tell it was you right away. And you all have different parts of you style that I can't get enough of. Supa's raw tech, DFRA filming, unique tricks and spot setups, and Hesh's long lens angles and ability to do everything so clean yet still so raw, Lurks agressive tricks and cameras to go with it, Knex's insane creativity mixed with difficulty, Horseheads amazing eye for gaps, and Robley's ability to make everything look just a little bit more stylish then everyone else

    If i wanted to, I could list off almost every clip because I could see the attention to detail that went into each one. But I'm going to limit myself to my top 7 favourite clips in each part (in no particular order).

    -2:00 - wallride 5-0, wallride out. Or a giant slappy, whatever you wanna call it.
    -kickflip backtail 540 shuv out to the street
    -3:15, front feeble on that ledge. Love how it made the revert sound
    -kickflip nose-powerslide in the parkade-dont know how you pulled that off
    -3:57 tailslide to fakie. I have a clip at the mirrored version of that spot and it's SO hard to hit up. I loved the filming of the second angle
    -hippy jump the gap by the art gallery
    -line ending in the halfcab nose slide to bonk out. SO Stylish

    -backlip lave shuv out over the couch. So much style
    -sanatorium line, that quick little switch nose was great
    -6:15, big ollie then big ollie over the rail. LOVED the filming
    -6:58 ollie from the other side to 5050 that huge rail. Spot envy
    -crailgrab transfer to fakie. The filming of this too was near perfection.
    -the ghetto spot setup with the the little stair set after the slanted ledge. awesome idea
    -lats two clips were amazing. LOVED THEM! specially the parkade bank to grab grind.

    -5050 down and across to ollie out the bottom of the double set
    -kickflip tailslide over the deathbox, so low and perfect
    -front blunt kickflip out threadin the needle, awesome spot
    -line ending in the switch 50 to crook. Hesh getting tech
    -NOLLIE NOSEBLUNT THE HUBBA, everything about this clip gives me pleasure. Filming, the way you turn into it and get out of it. I think this was my favourite clip in the entire video
    -halfcab flip feeble on the red bar to pop back over into the bank.
    -ender was so so sick

    -shuv drop in to 180 nosegrind. So sick, great spot.
    -lipslide and kickflip back lip down that ungrindable bank. amazing idea. looked great
    -13:43, loooong nosegrind. how did you lock in on that so good? loved it
    -wallie up to manual down by DIY
    -14:13 kickflip noseslide up the side of the bank to pop back in. HOly shit
    -wallie 360 to the street. so stylish
    -both clips on the pipe in the ditch. specially the 5-0 nosegrab

    -you're all winners but a few that really stood out
    -tno's halfcab nose 270 out over the rail
    -clay's blunt to bluntslide at ghetto spot
    -stevlands kickflip off the roof to the super skinny bank. I tried that gap once and could not do it. well done

    -kickflp backsmith the hardside of that rail. NO!#%@$ It's to much!!!! loved it.
    -kickflp back tail the forklift?? WHAT?
    -fingerflip onto the top of that wall. so crazy
    -powerslide down the huge wall@#?%@?
    -that nosegrind to tail bonk out on the blue rail. Such a rad way to start off a line
    -cab heel manual to crook. This just isn't fair anymore
    -your ender, could not have been better

    -huge ollie onto that sign thingy, rad
    -out of the full pipe to the top of the fence. looked so legit
    -21:05 kickflip to the small ledge to huge ollie onto the other skinny. HOW?
    -270 noseblunt, runner up for my favourite clip in the video behind Hesh's nollie noseblunt. You did this so fluid and locked into good. Second angle was filmed perfectly.
    -hurricane kickflip out. took me a few watches to realize how sick that was
    -fence bash!
    -frontboard the stop sign! So rad

    Robley (you get top 9 clips, sorry):
    -halfcab feeble on the redbar, call me crazy but that was my favourite trick you did on that bar, which is now unskateable because you tore it a new asshole
    -line with the wallie backtail!! so stylish, then the kickflip backsmith after sealed the deal
    -25:19 hardflip!? i could not be more jealous of that spot find. Sooo sick
    -25:47, that powerslide on top the ledge. beaut!
    -gap to wallride up to grind. love how you went past the fire hydrant
    -GIANT feeble. So fast, but looked so real. Like something you'd see tommy sandoval do or something. style for miles
    -hippy jump the gap. Seen this gap a million times in videos, never thought to hit it like that. genius
    -giant 3flip up from the street to the ledge. wow
    -ender was some sick shit.

    Thanks again Robley for making this and letting me be apart of it and giving me very underserved enders.

    And thanks everyone else for watching and commenting.

  3. #3
    Blazing a Trail Skatevid2's Avatar
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    Your picture is false. you lizard kinged that gap.
    sick none the less. Next time do a nosegrab so we'll think you did it on purpose. =]

  4. #4
    Blazing a Trail SupaFly's Avatar
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    Ok,so i never do these but for this i just feel like i should,cause im just so stoked about the way the whole thing came out.
    Im gonna list my top 5 favorite clips for each part so here goes...and i wont mention the ender's cause i thought they were all top notch.

    Im a huge fan of HUGEFAN studios and the entire intro.

    SupaFly-One dimensional Hoverboard cams,no style....lets move on.

    DRFA-You have fun filming and playing the game and everyone can see that through your part.

    5:46-Second angle on the bs boardslide late shove was awesome.
    7:04-nollie 270 blunt,killer angle and ramping.
    8:21-both of the lines starting at 8:21 just made me say,this dude has fun when he plays,something i think i need to incorporate more into my fake skating.
    8:46-50-50 bonk,whoa,the reaction to this clip during the live tream was insane,mach 10...loved it.
    9:27-both angles on this huge wallride were insane,great clips !!

    Hesh-Let me just start this off by saying,for the second full length in a row,you had my favorite song.Such a sick and consistant style,i really wish you would put out more video's cause i for one,cant get enough Heshfield video parts.

    10:09-fs kf tail over the deathbox,filmed and performed to perfection.
    10:14-sw bs nose bigspin out,again,sick filming,looked so perfect.
    10:31-second angle on the fs blunt flip out threading the needle landing,awesome,for me its in my top 5 of the entire video.
    11:47-both angles on this smith kf to bank looked so great.
    12:14-sw bs nose blunt on the blue rail...holy hell that first angle was so perfect,the filming,animations and ramp were so sick and perfect.

    Lurk-If Psychonaut were a squad of soldiers,you would be that crazy guy,always on point with the SAW spraying,yelling "GIT SOME !!" your style is crazy fast and exciting to watch.

    13:06-your opening line,is just like i am....GIT SOME !!! loved the filming.
    13:42-ONE WHEEL nose manny? crazy clip.
    14:11-fs kf nose blunt up and out to bank.
    14:16-fs 360 wallie,damn i loved the filming on this.
    14:40-5-0 nose grab on the round pipe ledge,how the hell did you keep the grab !!.

    Friends-Thanks to everyone who sent clips,heres a few that stood out to me

    15:06-TNO-fs tail-hop over to bs tail...sick.
    15:30-Anchors-huge melon gap...insane.
    16:00-Perm wallie 5-0 down the hubba.
    16:14-Slammy-second angle on the tail grab 1 foot gap to the street,loved the filming.
    16:17-Riggs-fakie inward crookflip,loved the filming.
    16:30-Stev-Huge kf to skinny...stev doing stev to perfection.
    16:47-Southie-nollie kf bs tail late shove,i was there...i thought it was insane,south was like meh...

    1954 ad...the bass shakes the whole room on those gun shots or whatever they are...cant wait for the vid.

    Knex-You had my favorite part of the video,i wish i had you're imagination and creativity,you blow my brain to bits every time you put out a new part and i could list damn near every clip in your part but you only get 5.

    17:35-Threading the needle on this bs kf smith,fuck man,what a clip to open with,and the insanity doesnt stop there.
    17:39-the very knext clip,sick line using the cran, 15 seconds into your part and the wow factor is already off the scale.
    17:58-this line gets me hyped on so many levels,the speed and tech....the dub at the end looked so real.
    18:05-firecracker 50-50 kf...this is one of my top 5 clips for the entire video also...why cant i think up shit like that damnit !!
    18:12-fingerflip to the broken wall...again,wow factor reaching dangerous levels...the single best clip in the video for me...damn you...

    Horse-A great mix of burly and tech skating,and a way of filming it like no other,so many dimensions to your style.

    20:27-off the roof into the banked sign....whoa.
    20:44-great angle pipe to 50-50 on the sick.
    20:58-wallie lateshove over the barrier,sick angle.
    21:46-sick over head angle,looked so perfect.
    22:21-fs blunt down the inside ledge of the hubba...sick.

    Robley-You have a vision when it comes to editing and displaying this team,i think it's clear to everyone when they see a masterpeice like you have created here,that your skills are on another level,goes without saying but,thank you so much for making this video what it is.No amount of praise is suitable,Demz said it best..."100% exactly what i want from fakeboarding....
    i could not..and i ask for more...
    the entire project was amazing.."
    Now to my favorite clips from your part.

    23:02-Throughout the part you proceed to destroy this spot,this half cab feeb,on the second angle was my fave from that spot.Great song for your part too BTW.
    23:14-manny to the sickest bs smith animation ever !.another 1 of my top 5 overall clips of the video.
    23:32-line on the canadian barriers,so fucking sick,style and filming are so perfect.
    24:09-something about the filming and animations you get on this sw bs nose slide are magic.
    25:21-The sickest combo i have ever seen on that spine,filmed to perfection.

    BULLET-Every thing you do in this game truley inspires,you have the very best camera work out there IMO and im sure there are legions of BULLET fans and fake skate fans in general who would agree with that statement.

    28:23- fakie tre up the curb,sw flip nosegrind to skinny,filming/difficulty level at maximum awesomeness.
    29:27-tre flip nose down the bank,second angle,filming and style perfection.
    29:38-this whole line has sooo much style and wow,capped off with the revert.
    30:14-180 fakie 5-0,hop to 5-0 popless sick,loved the camera.
    30:27-powerslide bs tail bs double flip out,again,such perfect camera work.

    The live stream of this video's release (if you were one of the lucky ones) was such a thrill,hearing live reactions in real time during the video was just insane,with all the complications of releasing this video and the hype behind it,in the end it was all worth the wait IMO.

    Thanks goes out to all my team mates,and a special thanks to robley for the incredible edit.

    And also thanks for all the positive feedback and comments from the community,it means alot to all of us that you enjoy our fakeboarding adventures

    Quote Originally Posted by HorseHead View Post
    Fucking Psychonaut's taking over. We're like the Death Row Records of fake skateboarding.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stokenstein View Post
    So... We all agree, fuck Psychonaut?
    Quote Originally Posted by jerr bear View Post
    Giving it thumbs down would be soooo obliviously obvious.
    Quote Originally Posted by knexzor View Post
    You are one of the few who only have good clips and I often have to concentrate and rewatch clips to realize just how fucking crazy they all are.

    .:: Psychonaut ::.

  5. #5


    haven't watched a fully in a long time
    everyone was so awesome.
    supafly and bullet are my fav XD

  6. #6
    Don't Worry, Be Happy Cookiesupporter's Avatar
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    Sweet video, except for a bit much of jerky Deathcams in my oppinion, but thats ur style


    BEst filming: Horsehead
    Most creative shit: Hard at Lurk
    Most Style: Robley ,also best Song This part was my favourite of them all...
    ..until I saw Bullets, sorry robley, but bullet beasted everything...can't even say it, don't know any english words to descrobe that..maybe extraordinary or unbelievable...straight out perfect, the filming the tricks the style..Bullet, your the best fakeskater currently!
    Last edited by Cookiesupporter; 10-09-2010 at 04:48 AM.
    I did it all for the cookie

  7. #7
    Blazing a Trail Jack's Avatar
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    It's insane. Just insane. Lovely quality. Knex makes me get all teary-eyed. I'm kind of watching this bit by bit, piece by piece. No slackers here. Worth the wait and worth its weight.
    "like a gnarly dog on PCP with gold teeth biting your face."

  8. #8
    FLuckin Mod Clayfighter's Avatar
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    Ruff Buffalo


    you know how this video is good, because parts before i go to sleep. it has replace my real skate videos YAY

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