I hate to be so pro fluckit right now but it really has been a second home for not only me but a lot of guys that play this game. I really do think that this little community we have here is one of the best in the video game industry. It's a place to chill and talk to people who share the same love for this game as you do, and share the videos we make out of appreciation for this game. If it were not for skatefluckit.com who knows how this game and community would be like. Some of the best ideas and icons from this game have come from fluckit.

Skate 4? Who knows... One thing is for sure that if another skate comes out, I don't see it having the same feeling as it did before because of the loss of the guys who really took the community into consideration. If it doesn't come out, fluckit will still be alive and kicking and the people who really care about this game will still be playing and recording via capture card. The game we have been with since its birth might stop but this community will keep on rolling...