Quote Originally Posted by Antwan The Pawn View Post
Well if they discontinue the series I may have some small donations toward the fluck in the future..
if worse comes to worst fluckit will be more layed back than ever.. buds chillin sharin tunes and real skate vids..
be here nor there we've got time fellas, enjoy what we have..
be excited to produce something you enjoy and if all this production doesn't have the team amped to make another
well nothing will.. we are ripping this game left and right as a whole.. let's make a flucking statement..
Collab video, We Want Skate 4.. who's down?
the we could title it
"we want fluckin skate"
"fluck for skate"

just some stupid ideas but i feel like they are just scraping the ice with skating and that they can still add lots. (all vert skaters should know this)