I had to get up at 8am today after a weekend of super raging to take my mom to take her truck in. I come bakc and this is like "hello morning doesn't suck".. it's like a double shot of espresso with 2 hits of cocaine.

Demz into. Beat was fucking sick. Skating was aweesomely, i loved this part. Felt refined (at least for a demz part) very good way to start the video

Anders-crazy vibe with that song and your skating. I liked the whole part but i watched your ender like 12 times. Holy fucking shit.

South's lines made me cry likee usual. Felt like i was watching a heckle sesh where you just take over the swap battle and ride for 20 min. Ender was bananas. I also really liked the feebs to hurri variations at maloof.

Anchors is always a win. The blunt around the curve was disgusting, opening line was sickening, and the ender was perfect. Your parts always make me want to go jump off thiings (in game and IRL). One of your best, easy

skatehead-well deserved ender, this was soooooooooo fucking good. the gap through the opening, the ender, the animations on the tricks was awesome. Theres like 5 other tricks i meant to specifically comment on but i forgot them. OMG NO WALL RIDE FUCKING POLE BONK WTFSHITASSBITCH