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  1. #1
    Don't Worry, Be Happy jest118's Avatar
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    Warning: Incoming wall of quotes and responses.

    Quote Originally Posted by pawnluvguitarist View Post

    they have pretty much all the crackpot theories covered. Everything is sourced and constantly updated. I like to base my beliefs on science, logic and evidence, and in my opinion they are on the side of it not being a hoax.
    Meh @ that site. While there's some good investigation in some areas, it get's quite sloppy in others. WTC Bldg 7's explanation of the use of "Pull" in it's terminology was one I saw immediately. Demolition crews use the term "Pull." Firefighters, do not use "Pull" in that manner. If they were talking about Evacuation, they would've been quoted as saying "Pulling.**"

    Quote Originally Posted by DonVigo View Post

    Theories and pointing fingers are for people who missed the point. Someone attacked a bunch of innocent people, and that's horrible. It does no constructive purpose 10 years after the fact to keep trying to find someone to blame. I'm filing this one under JFK, the Moon Landing, and Elvis still being alive.
    People aren't looking for someone to blame as much as they're trying to find out if our Gov't is getting out of control of the people to an extreme extent. It's already happened multiple times in our country's history. Civil War, Mexican American War, and Vietnam War to name a few.

    Quote Originally Posted by Slamooh View Post
    Thats what conspiracists say. Geopolitics is complex stuff... and bad things happen all the time. Thats the way it is. but come on .... we re talking about the US government killing 4000 US citizens to go to war.... dude... US went to war numerous time over the last century (this is just how USA work...) ... if a government wants to go to war... US go to war... no need for such a hoax...

    as signguy said
    If 9/11 was really a hoax... it would be obvious...
    the obvious thing for me is that its way too big to be a hoax...
    Couple things here. In order to go to war, the country must be behind the Gov't. Vietnam and it's fallout is a perfect example of what happens when the US enters a war without Public Acceptance. The thing is, usually the general public buys the BS. Pearl Harbor was the excuse to get into WW2.. but the circumstances behind that are odd as well. And after Japan surrendered there was no reason for the US to get involved in the European campaign... so why did we?

    And the word Hoax is very loaded. Obviously 9/11 wasn't a hoax. The buildings really fell. People really died. It's a terrible event. What we're discussing really.. is whether or not the official explanation of the even is what and how things really happened.

    Quote Originally Posted by thesignguy View Post
    What about the guys that flew the planes? I have never heard anyone say they didn't exist. There's well documented accounts of there actions leading up to this event. There's no doubt where these guys came from and how they and there connections felt about the USA. Do the conspiracy theory guys think we brainwashed these radicals to work with us or did we convince them somehow to kill themselves for us? Or did we somehow work secretly with them then and now our enemy wouldn't use the info of them working with us against us? I have a hard time believing with all of there communications back home that someone who we now kill wouldn't use that theory against us. Like for example: hey USA people, yes we bombed your towers, but your higher ups helped us.

    Most of this stuff only makes sense if you don't think about it. People spill the beans to ez it's in our nature. If it was bombs it wasn't presidents planting the bombs
    We don't really know anything except what's told to us by the Federal Gov't and what's reported. On top of that, the major news corporations are incredibly untrustworthy. Fox News ran and expose' on the new Mosques major contributor and Fear-linked his money back to "Al Queda sympathists." However the morons at Fox News didn't think anyone would figure out that the same man they were reporting on is the Second Largest Stockholder in Newscorp!

    As far as our "enemies" using that knowledge against us.. it's not congruent to their thinking. They're all about Independence from Western culture. However, it's known that a lot of them have used Western Education (in many different forms) to further their own cause. They NEVER credit the "West" for that because it goes against the propaganda they're using on their citizens.

    Quote Originally Posted by DonVigo View Post
    This, too.

    Besides, the war this lead us into had nothing to do with the parties responsible for this specific act (Iraq =/= Afghanistan). Our government will do as it pleases, I doubt it would have any need to elminate 4000 taxpayers (most of whom had a lot of income to be taxed in this case) to go to war with anyone. I actually just tore into a buddy of mine last night for going off on some conspiracy rant about all this shit. HE'S an idiot, so the way he approached it was worthy of being called stupid... But again, it happened 10 years ago, no one has any REAL proof of anything, and even if they did at this point it wouldn't change a thing. With the American populations' being 2/3's tarded (face it, at least 66% of us are too ignorant to be worth the space we take up) our government obviously has to do some things behind closed doors... But I'm pretty sure those things are logically thought out and make some sort of reasonable sense... Unlike all the theories I've ever been presented about 9/11.
    Actually.. we've been fighting in Afghanistan the entirety of the Iraq war. We're still there now. In fact, my Wife leaves for her deployment in Afghanistan in about two weeks. She's also done two previous tours in Iraq. War makes money. Lots of it. Much MUCH more than the taxes of those victims. Look at the bills that were passed during the Bush presidency that allowed him to borrow obscene amounts of money. That cash seeps all the way through the American economy. The War creates need for Soldiers. So people who may not have otherwise had work.. now can Sign up and recieve a job along with substantial bonuses for enlisting. They then spend that money on not just necessities but luxuries. I can't tell you how many times in the last 5 years that I've been in this military town.. that I've seen 19-21 year old kids get deployed and have so much cash they throw it on incredibly over-the-top Cars.. only to wreck them because they haven't driven in 15 months (or at all in some cases) just to turn around again and buy another one. That's just cars. Think electronics, furniture, EVERYTHING. That money FLOWS. And as Soon as we pulled out of Iraq and the demand for Soldiers was lowered.. those bonuses got cut SUPER low and with less bonuses and less deployments.. less people reinlist.. they go home and usually end up making less than they did in the Military. Their buying power drops again and businesses sell less etc..etc.. Our Gov't artificially injected our Economy with the Wars subsequent to 9/11.

    As far as why we went into Iraq.. well everyone "knows" it was Oil.. but more importantly than that it was influence. We gained a foothold in a region whose culture is extremely different to our own and as such hasn't been able to be targeted by our businesses. But now there's McDonalds, Pizza Huts, etc.. in Iraq. Sure Islam forbids Pork... but so does Judaism and I know plenty of Muslims and Hebrews who eat bacon here in the States. Why? Because it's in your face everywhere you go. Ask a Vegetarian or a Vegan how hard it is for them to simply EAT in the US. It's incredibly difficult. So.. if we can get our business into the Middle East.. then there's an entire Culture that we can make money off of that has been previously untapped. What's the best way to get in? Out the current Rulers and try to install a sympathetic Gov't. This is why countries like Pakistan and Iran are pissed. They don't want our influence in their region because OUR Culture (as a country) would be like poison to their Culture. The US has been trying to get in there for years. Going all the way back to more secretive tactics when the US funded the Mujahideen in their fight against Soviets in the late 70's and early 80's. The tactic then was, help the region, earn their trust, use them to get whatever the hell we wanted. Again, a tactic the US has used MANY times in it's history.

    Anyhow.. if anyone has actually read through all my crap I'll just say this. The US Gov't has made some very VERY shady decision in the entirety of it's existence. Hell even before it. All the way back to the real reasons behind the Revolution of the Colonies against Britain. Tons of this stuff gets twisted in the history books and some of it, swept under the rug completely. It definitely is NOT out of the question that the US Gov't would allow a tragedy to happen that would justify certain actions if they felt that substantial gains were possible. The question that fuels the conspiracy theorists is whether or not the country would be willing to commit a tragedy against it's own people for the same reasons.

    It's a tough call. Especially when you consider that Gov't representatives from all sides are more willing to allow Teachers to be fired and have our Federal Employess get reduced or no pay rather than simply meet each other halfway on Topics such as the amount of taxes the "Upper Class" (250k and up per year) pay and Medicare/Medicaid policies. They'd rather see immediate suffering to people and positions that are VITAL to our ENTIRE Country rather than come to an agreement on issues that will affect a much smaller percentage of people sometime in the future. Doesn't that make you wonder whether it's the people or the ideals that they're devoted to?
    old psn: jest118
    new psn: jesthatesyou

  2. #2
    Don't Worry, Be Happy
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    Jest - I promise when I have some time, I'll read all that and try to formulate some proper dialouge. At the moment, I'm too pooped for someone else's smarts.

    Antwan - Dude, I don't know you well enough to judge you beyond the fact it seems you do some decent fakeskating. What I would say to or about you is that our bullshit threshold is set at different levels. Where that footage got your attention and raised your curiosity, I instantly (through my own sort of logic, which we all have) tore it to bits and labeled it as bullshit. I'm sorry, but taking any GW quote in any context is about as credible as getting the same information from my girlfriend's three year old daughter. The man wasn't very bright, and time and time again was caught spewing sewage from the manhole under his nose. Sadly, in my opinion, about 90% of the conspiracy theories I've heard trip my bullshit alarm, as very few of them prove anything at all. It's not that I think that there's no chance there was something more up that we'll never know... But I have better things to burn calories over in my own life. What may or may not be based on speculation just isn't worth my time. Someone shows me hard, factual proof, and I'll listen.

    But hey, I don't think the USA is going to exist in the next century due to the fact there's so much disconnect between the Govt. and the people, and the people themselves. Our government is more concerned with bickering over party-line bullshit to focus on the greater good of the people, and the people tend to be too self absorbed to do anything but bitch. As the left and right continue to seperate, and that bipartisanship continues through the government, we're just getting closer to another civil war.
    Quote Originally Posted by Krome View Post
    this dude. this dude disappears for months then pops up with 5 full length vids in the span of 2 weeks.

  3. #3
    administrator thesignguy's Avatar
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    Jest, right on dude. I love a good debate when it's not filled with "your stupid for your opinion" or " here, look at this video of some random guy it explains everything and I believe it to a T"
    I didn't read everything you said YET. But seems you listed facts and thought about your words.

    As far as your reply to my comment. The government may withhold info and twist details, but for something of this magnitude there would be far to many crumbs in a trail to clean up. It just (in my opinion) doesn't seem possible to pull off something like this. Government officials are people too, and a majority of them have good hearts and earn there way through elections by proving so. It's not like they are groomed from birth to be evil dictators or cloked in secret societies brain washed to control situations for there societies own good. Maybe this description fits some of the government, but it would be not nearly enough manpower to pull this off, and hide it from the ones that weren't.
    As far as the news goes, yes they scare us with scare tactics but the scare tactics are what we the people tune into. It's funny how everyone says this argument. If you had a study with different news channels, half showing a guy saying truths about whatever major situation was going on (a scientist or professor with no agenda) the other channel with disturbing video narrated by some no it all saying how bad it's gonna get. I can assure you which station would keep the attention of the viewers. Hell have the same video just dif narators, same outcome. Not that I think there isn't some truth to the major networks being told what to put on at times, but we are just as much if not more to blame.
    And working with the enemy? I just don't buy it in this situation. It's not like we supplied them arms to help them fight someone else like we have in the past. A operation like this would have been to delicate, total control of any persons involved would of been the only option for success. There are just to many holes that could leak.
    Helen Adams Keller

  4. #4
    Don't Worry, Be Happy jest118's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thesignguy View Post
    Jest, right on dude. I love a good debate when it's not filled with "your stupid for your opinion" or " here, look at this video of some random guy it explains everything and I believe it to a T"
    I didn't read everything you said YET. But seems you listed facts and thought about your words.

    As far as your reply to my comment. The government may withhold info and twist details, but for something of this magnitude there would be far to many crumbs in a trail to clean up. It just (in my opinion) doesn't seem possible to pull off something like this. Government officials are people too, and a majority of them have good hearts and earn there way through elections by proving so. It's not like they are groomed from birth to be evil dictators or cloked in secret societies brain washed to control situations for there societies own good. Maybe this description fits some of the government, but it would be not nearly enough manpower to pull this off, and hide it from the ones that weren't.
    As far as the news goes, yes they scare us with scare tactics but the scare tactics are what we the people tune into. It's funny how everyone says this argument. If you had a study with different news channels, half showing a guy saying truths about whatever major situation was going on (a scientist or professor with no agenda) the other channel with disturbing video narrated by some no it all saying how bad it's gonna get. I can assure you which station would keep the attention of the viewers. Hell have the same video just dif narators, same outcome. Not that I think there isn't some truth to the major networks being told what to put on at times, but we are just as much if not more to blame.
    And working with the enemy? I just don't buy it in this situation. It's not like we supplied them arms to help them fight someone else like we have in the past. A operation like this would have been to delicate, total control of any persons involved would of been the only option for success. There are just to many holes that could leak.
    Gov't officials may start off as good people.. but in order to be successful they have to play the game like anyone else. By the time they reach the level of Congress, I have every confidence that they're done plenty of underhanded things to get there.. not the least of which is the digging up of dirt and trashing their opponents. The Govenor of Illinois tried to SELL his state's Senate seat! And was on the Television show Apprentice AFTER he was caught, impeached and convicted of a Federal Crime!

    Either way.. IF the Gov't were to construct something like 9/11.. they really wouldn't need all that many people to pull it off. They would compartmentalize to a certain extent and use their lesser known tools to achieve their goals. They wouldn't have had to work with the hijackers in any capacity either. There are a lot of ways that are perfectly feasible for these things to be accomplished. I'm not saying that that's what happened. Just that it can't just be brushed off.

    The Media is definitely being controlled. Without a doubt. Not necessarily by the Gov't.. but by it's owners. If Rupert Murdoch invested in a company that specialized in Personal Oxygen Tanks, you can bet your ass that soon afterwards Fox News would be airing a story on the toxicity in the air.

    Personally.. I'm of the belief that the US knew about it well ahead of time and allowed it to happen. They may or may not have helped certain aspects along the way. Otherwise, how can they possibly explain having all that information about each Hijacker and their trail less than 24 hours after the fact? Remember this is the same country that struggled finding the Unabomber for 2 decades and he's one of our own citizens (in the end, his family turned him in.. the Gov't had no part in finding him)! They had either constructed the various histories or they had to have been following them the whole time.
    old psn: jest118
    new psn: jesthatesyou

  5. #5
    Inna Check-Mate State Antwan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thesignguy View Post
    Jest, right on dude. I love a good debate when it's not filled with "your stupid for your opinion" or " here, look at this video of some random guy it explains everything and I believe it to a T"
    I didn't read everything you said YET. But seems you listed facts and thought about your words.
    Almost offended, like you didn't read what I typed.. but you know..
    Just wondering what people thought, if it was logical to them or if it had made no sense and I see it now.. cool to know.
    Wondered if it would influence someone's thinking process, Never said I believed it infact I said I don't think I do..
    I guess I try to help people think in a different light.. while not converting their belief or changing what's real it's seemingly pointless, So I get you..
    some longer posts become shorter ones when I type just because I don't know how to word it.
    I am very misinformed on the shroud of negativity that is the media today.. I try to stay away from the negative and happened to see this documentary
    Just wanted to read thoughts on it.. oh and those two clips are only 2 excerpts of maybe 15 they had alot of stuff layed out that's why it was so interesting and I had reccomended it.

  6. #6
    administrator thesignguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Antwan View Post
    Almost offended, like you didn't read what I typed.. but you know..
    Just wondering what people thought, if it was logical to them or if it had made no sense and I see it now.. cool to know.
    Wondered if it would influence someone's thinking process, Never said I believed it infact I said I don't think I do..
    I guess I try to help people think in a different light.. while not converting their belief or changing what's real it's seemingly pointless, So I get you..
    some longer posts become shorter ones when I type just because I don't know how to word it.
    I am very misinformed on the shroud of negativity that is the media today.. I try to stay away from the negative and happened to see this documentary
    Just wanted to read thoughts on it.. oh and those two clips are only 2 excerpts of maybe 15 they had alot of stuff layed out that's why it was so interesting and I had reccomended it.
    why would you possibly think i was reffering to you in any of that statement? I wasn't
    Helen Adams Keller

  7. #7
    Inna Check-Mate State Antwan's Avatar
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    Oh well..
    Carry on then..
    your discussion now, I'm high and dumb.

  8. #8
    World's Greatest Grandpa Permy's Avatar
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    but nigga

    that building fell hella funny

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