Quote Originally Posted by thesignguy View Post
Jest, right on dude. I love a good debate when it's not filled with "your stupid for your opinion" or " here, look at this video of some random guy it explains everything and I believe it to a T"
I didn't read everything you said YET. But seems you listed facts and thought about your words.

As far as your reply to my comment. The government may withhold info and twist details, but for something of this magnitude there would be far to many crumbs in a trail to clean up. It just (in my opinion) doesn't seem possible to pull off something like this. Government officials are people too, and a majority of them have good hearts and earn there way through elections by proving so. It's not like they are groomed from birth to be evil dictators or cloked in secret societies brain washed to control situations for there societies own good. Maybe this description fits some of the government, but it would be not nearly enough manpower to pull this off, and hide it from the ones that weren't.
As far as the news goes, yes they scare us with scare tactics but the scare tactics are what we the people tune into. It's funny how everyone says this argument. If you had a study with different news channels, half showing a guy saying truths about whatever major situation was going on (a scientist or professor with no agenda) the other channel with disturbing video narrated by some no it all saying how bad it's gonna get. I can assure you which station would keep the attention of the viewers. Hell have the same video just dif narators, same outcome. Not that I think there isn't some truth to the major networks being told what to put on at times, but we are just as much if not more to blame.
And working with the enemy? I just don't buy it in this situation. It's not like we supplied them arms to help them fight someone else like we have in the past. A operation like this would have been to delicate, total control of any persons involved would of been the only option for success. There are just to many holes that could leak.
Gov't officials may start off as good people.. but in order to be successful they have to play the game like anyone else. By the time they reach the level of Congress, I have every confidence that they're done plenty of underhanded things to get there.. not the least of which is the digging up of dirt and trashing their opponents. The Govenor of Illinois tried to SELL his state's Senate seat! And was on the Television show Apprentice AFTER he was caught, impeached and convicted of a Federal Crime!

Either way.. IF the Gov't were to construct something like 9/11.. they really wouldn't need all that many people to pull it off. They would compartmentalize to a certain extent and use their lesser known tools to achieve their goals. They wouldn't have had to work with the hijackers in any capacity either. There are a lot of ways that are perfectly feasible for these things to be accomplished. I'm not saying that that's what happened. Just that it can't just be brushed off.

The Media is definitely being controlled. Without a doubt. Not necessarily by the Gov't.. but by it's owners. If Rupert Murdoch invested in a company that specialized in Personal Oxygen Tanks, you can bet your ass that soon afterwards Fox News would be airing a story on the toxicity in the air.

Personally.. I'm of the belief that the US knew about it well ahead of time and allowed it to happen. They may or may not have helped certain aspects along the way. Otherwise, how can they possibly explain having all that information about each Hijacker and their trail less than 24 hours after the fact? Remember this is the same country that struggled finding the Unabomber for 2 decades and he's one of our own citizens (in the end, his family turned him in.. the Gov't had no part in finding him)! They had either constructed the various histories or they had to have been following them the whole time.