yea ayreon, edit's really coming together lately. wanna edit my next solo haha?

sick park old-skooler, gonna skate it when I get back on ps3 even though it was so thoroughly killed here

sick skating erryone. it's been said already but lances ender was a true beauty. but I enjoyed allll the technlology old-skoolers section on that hubba, m7's perfect fuckin kickflip crailstall, never seen skatebrg before epic line, ayreon everything from 5:08 to 5:29 was pure bangers esp that noseslide on the underrail, ladds 50-sw manny, quarantines shifty tre and that ill smith180, mark goin fast and smooth dig that as always, and bengrover and lance killed it entirely of course. also ayreon and mark, Dharma getting that creative steeze with the tuchdown gap, loved that.