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Thread: Bin laden DEAD !

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  1. #1
    FLuckin Mod Demzilla's Avatar
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    ive been thinking about this all day..

    i knew this shit didnt make sense..

    "Megan McArdle, a blogger at the Atlantic, tracked the original quote down to Jessica Dovey, a recent Penn State grad living in Kobe, Japan, who posted this as her Facebook status:

    I will mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. "Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." MLK Jr.

    The first sentence is Ms. Dovey's own, followed by a quotation from King's 1963 book, "Strength to Love." At some point along the way, the quote marks vanished, and Dovey's words got mixed up with King's. Subsequently, the quote was shortened, leaving only Dovey's line, now attributed to the civil rights leader."

    is not stupid...

  2. #2
    FLuckin Mod Demzilla's Avatar
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    my homeboy left like 3 weeks ago...

  3. #3
    Blazing a Trail HorseHead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jest118 View Post
    I had something else written.. but decided to just keep it short. Nothing the US did prior to 9/11 warranted those attacks. Bin Laden's own twisted ideology and his perversion of Islam is what caused those acts.. not the other way around. Our presence in Muslim countries has only been invasive in the aftermath of 9/11.
    Jest, while I respect your opinion I have to disagree with you. And that's fine, conversations like this are a good thing, you seem like a good dude and my response is definitely intended to be respectful, if there's any doubt. But, I don't believe that our presence has only recently become invasive. Of course there was nothing to warrant those attacks and of course religious fanaticism is hugely to blame for this, but I don't feel that these attacks would have occurred had the US not been involved in the Middle East. The issues in that area are incredibly complex and have been built over hundreds of years. Our presence there did not help.

    Quote Originally Posted by jest118 View Post
    While occupying the Middle East hasn't made us popular in the least bit.. we only had two choices. Fight or Allow another similar attack happen. Bin Laden and aL Queda's plan to fight the US was hinged on the US bringing the fight to them. And the only way to do that was to attack our civilians in such a manner as to make it a necessity for us. So trust.. if we didn't fight them now.. they would've just kept trying to attack our Civilian Population to entice us into War until they achieved it.
    Did we really only have two choices? I'm going to quote something from the article I linked earlier:

    "So I was in the Middle East in the days after 9/11. And we had garnered the empathy of not only most of the world, but the Muslim world who were appalled at what had been done in the name of their religion. And we had major religious figures like Sheikh Tantawy, the head of al-Azhar – who died recently – who after the attacks of 9/11 not only denounced them as a crime against humanity, which they were, but denounced Osama bin Laden as a fraud … someone who had no right to issue fatwas or religious edicts, no religious legitimacy, no religious training. And the tragedy was that if we had the courage to be vulnerable, if we had built on that empathy, we would be far safer and more secure today than we are."

    I feel that while there may be at some point a need for the US to retaliate to protect itself, an approach like the one referenced above would at the very least show the world that we are not wild cowboys waiting for the opportunity to bust through the door, guns blazing. Violence is definitely their best tool for recruiting new members. If we can further prove them to be outsiders of the Muslim world, by practicing peace, then maybe their recruitment will be affected. This may not be the most effective idea, but it's one that exists. There are also probably more, I'm no expert on the subject. I just read some shit on the internet, same as everyone else.

    I hope your wife comes home safe and sound, Jest.

    Ok, I'm done talking about world events on a fake skateboarding forum. Haha.

  4. #4
    Inna Check-Mate State Antwan's Avatar
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    Apparently we're all just finding out
    they didn't announce his death until they got hard DNA evidence
    Kind've funny that we can't indentify the guy we've been hunting
    So it must've been a guns a blazing thing.. unrecognizable so they needed proof.

  5. #5
    Don't Worry, Be Happy jest118's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demzilla View Post
    ive been thinking about this all day..

    i knew this shit didnt make sense..

    "Megan McArdle, a blogger at the Atlantic, tracked the original quote down to Jessica Dovey, a recent Penn State grad living in Kobe, Japan, who posted this as her Facebook status:

    I will mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. "Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." MLK Jr.

    The first sentence is Ms. Dovey's own, followed by a quotation from King's 1963 book, "Strength to Love." At some point along the way, the quote marks vanished, and Dovey's words got mixed up with King's. Subsequently, the quote was shortened, leaving only Dovey's line, now attributed to the civil rights leader."

    is not stupid...
    You have no idea how relieved I am about this. I kept seeing people post this quote everywhere and I kept thinking it didn't make any sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by Demzilla View Post

    my homeboy left like 3 weeks ago...
    Good thoughts go out towards him. May he return home safely.

    Quote Originally Posted by HorseHead View Post
    Jest, while I respect your opinion I have to disagree with you. And that's fine, conversations like this are a good thing, you seem like a good dude and my response is definitely intended to be respectful, if there's any doubt. But, I don't believe that our presence has only recently become invasive. Of course there was nothing to warrant those attacks and of course religious fanaticism is hugely to blame for this, but I don't feel that these attacks would have occurred had the US not been involved in the Middle East. The issues in that area are incredibly complex and have been built over hundreds of years. Our presence there did not help.
    The respect is shared.

    Generally I agree. Everything stems from the creation of Israel and how volatile that whole situation is. However that was a collective act of the UN.. so I don't see why the US gets the majority of the flack for it. Aside from that major issue though, the US presence in the Middle East before that point had been to help keep Communist Russia out of Afghanistan (thus helping the Muslim country) and helping fight off Saddam's invasion of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia (again.. to help the Muslim countries). In all situations.. the Government in power Requested and Accepted our help. We didn't just fly in against those countries will.

    Quote Originally Posted by HorseHead View Post
    Did we really only have two choices? I'm going to quote something from the article I linked earlier:

    "So I was in the Middle East in the days after 9/11. And we had garnered the empathy of not only most of the world, but the Muslim world who were appalled at what had been done in the name of their religion. And we had major religious figures like Sheikh Tantawy, the head of al-Azhar – who died recently – who after the attacks of 9/11 not only denounced them as a crime against humanity, which they were, but denounced Osama bin Laden as a fraud … someone who had no right to issue fatwas or religious edicts, no religious legitimacy, no religious training. And the tragedy was that if we had the courage to be vulnerable, if we had built on that empathy, we would be far safer and more secure today than we are."

    I feel that while there may be at some point a need for the US to retaliate to protect itself, an approach like the one referenced above would at the very least show the world that we are not wild cowboys waiting for the opportunity to bust through the door, guns blazing. Violence is definitely their best tool for recruiting new members. If we can further prove them to be outsiders of the Muslim world, by practicing peace, then maybe their recruitment will be affected. This may not be the most effective idea, but it's one that exists. There are also probably more, I'm no expert on the subject. I just read some shit on the internet, same as everyone else.
    I would agree wholeheartedly had that been their first/only attack. But it was Bin Laden's 2nd attack on the WTC Buildings in less than 15 years, in addition to multiple attacks to Embassy's around the world. Couple that with the fact that it was the largest American casualty to a terrorist attack in the history of the country and that it was done on our own soil and it makes the choice to seek retribution of some type almost immediately necessary.

    Quote Originally Posted by HorseHead View Post
    I hope your wife comes home safe and sound, Jest.

    Ok, I'm done talking about world events on a fake skateboarding forum. Haha.
    Appreciate it man. Despite having different opinions, it's good to discuss these things.. so no worries.

    Quote Originally Posted by Antwan View Post
    Apparently we're all just finding out
    they didn't announce his death until they got hard DNA evidence
    Kind've funny that we can't indentify the guy we've been hunting
    So it must've been a guns a blazing thing.. unrecognizable so they needed proof.
    I think it was more because Bin Laden has/had Doubles in many different places throughout the world. Had to make sure it was actually him and not a Doppleganger.

    On a stand alone note: I was just watching somthing on PBS that said the Seals reported that Bin Laden wasn't armed, so I could be wrong on that.. which would, of course, lend to legitimizing the thought that it might have been the teams mission to kill him. Still.. it would've been much better to capture him.
    old psn: jest118
    new psn: jesthatesyou

  6. #6
    Awful Awfuls! OGBMX420's Avatar
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    look what i started a debate lol
    create it and skate it !

  7. #7
    Resident Fruitbooter Roccityroller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jest118 View Post
    On a stand alone note: I was just watching somthing on PBS that said the Seals reported that Bin Laden wasn't armed, so I could be wrong on that.. which would, of course, lend to legitimizing the thought that it might have been the teams mission to kill him. Still.. it would've been much better to capture him.
    If you or anyone else really believes, armed or not, that Bin Laden would've allowed himself to be captured alive, you're both naive and stupid, I'm sorry. But he is not one to become a prisoner and would much rather die a "martyr" in his 'people's' eyes.
    Hoodlum Threat
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  8. #8
    World's Greatest Grandpa Permy's Avatar
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    goooooooooooooooooooooooo jack

    but ferreal though

  9. #9
    Blazing a Trail
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roccityroller View Post
    If you or anyone else really believes, armed or not, that Bin Laden would've allowed himself to be captured alive, you're both naive and stupid, I'm sorry. But he is not one to become a prisoner and would much rather die a "martyr" in his 'people's' eyes.
    thanks but i disagree

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