Quote Originally Posted by Deacon View Post
Hey Guys,

@ Fully - So glad you like it dude. Usualy when I build I build for me (excl. The Berrics I made for Duce) so was stressing that what I built wasn't what you were expecting or envisioned, plus I've never built a mini ramp before. We'll have a shred when you're next online.

@ Riverking - Thanks man, really appreciated. I thnk we're doing a "mini FL" of all the Park storm parks, so yes deffo please send me any clips you get here, or link me your reel.

@ Oldskooler - lol thanks dude, its nothing against PS3, Its just I have everything unlocked on Xbox to build with plus this was a team thing who are all on xbox. I'm trying to recreate my schools on PS3 though just having to get creative using aternate peices for thing not unlocked.

@ Renegade - Appreicated dude, thank you.

@ Duce - :-) cheers mate, I think your park storm idea worked out kinda well. I'm looking forward to ROFL's, Duunders and Mathiys creations.

@ KillerKow - nice one dude - hit me up online btw for a skate, I'll show you them berrics as well (all 3 versions of it!) plus if you fancy doing a bangin' at some point may I suggest and old school berrics bangin'

@ AceExtremeX23X - Gracias dude, I glad you liked the ramp as that was biggest concern with the park.

@ Mage505 - LOL. Cheers man. I'm consdeirng making a Mars Mega Ramp and maybe a Pluto Pool!

@ Boxer - :-) I felt the same when I read the brief of what I had i do! As Briden said the mini takes a bit of getting used too, getting into grinds takes bit of doing first time round as does stalls etc, but you can deffo exit grinds without a pop which was my aim.

@ Briden - thanks dude i'll happily take the 9.9! I toyed with the idea of making the coping a different colour, but I really wanted to make it look like it was part of scenary as if someone has gone there and carved the ramps out of the rocks and only added miminal items (such as polejam etc). As always man thanks for feedback.

@knexzor - Your avatar always makes me laugh. thank you dude - let me know how you get on with hip, i'd be interested in your feedback.

@Notedderk - Cheers man I hope you like it. In relation to reel does the clearing system cache not work for you? Give taco punisher a shout i believe he was directing people to somewhere on the ea forum where you can register your problems etc.

@ Drawls - as you do to me. no homo :-) lol
Mars Mega Ramp, Pluto Pool, sounds super sick!