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Thread: The "Proper" way to play Skate...

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  1. #1
    Blazing a Trail
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    There is no proper way to play any game...Do what you want. I played Tony Hawk 1,2,3,4,5 and beyond,Thrasher skate and destroy...some other generic skating games for like 9 years before ea. skate came out..No one told me how to play them and no one tells me how to play ea Skate 1,2 and 3... When the this making videos thing dies off in a few years Ill be in my 30s still playing these old skate boarding games the way I want for years to come...

  2. #2
    Minglin' FlyMike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by m7419 View Post
    being a guy that's skated in real life for over 25 years,i've always played the game more or less "realistic",even before i knew about this community and making me this is like a second life,the "fake" life,living the sponsored skater dream vicariosly through a video game.but in the end it's just that,a video game,that you should play in whatever way you enjoy.
    i don't film it,but i like hittin' up some mega ramps once in a while or trying gaps that that in no way anybody in real life would even consider.but i also have alot of fun filming vids and stuff.

    good post FlyMike,cool to see things in another perspective.
    Appreciate the response, I definitely feel you. As a long time skater, it's natural to you to bring that approach to the game. Kind of like how I play basketball titles as the ultimate simulation, basing all my actions and decisions strictly on real-life situations (unless money is on the line lol). It's all I can visualize most of time, unless the engine promotes and encourages fictionalized styling.

    And I guess for me, after playing fighting games seriously for so long, I approach every game competitively and as a contest. When actually in this, parts of it(this community at least) is about how creative you can make you footage in respects to the lifestyle and art. And I'm pretty sure there's circles somewhere that glorify the arcade-ish aspects, tranny contests, and stupidity. I was just trying to see what most of the guys here are on.

    Quote Originally Posted by i am a snail View Post
    answer: aw hell naw, just play how you like to play. filming and doing semi-realistic shit shouldnt define your whole gameplay experience. either make vids if you enjoy it or dont.

    to answer your thing about the online sessions, people in the "hardcore" community as you call it dont play this game competitively at all. the biggest draw-in to a lot of these guys, mysef included, is the exploration. finding new spots and new and fun ways to hit them. trying to get the coolest looking shit on them. nobody really plays for points since in a game like this there's no challenge factor to getting big scores if you can just manny-tre-manny-tre-manny-tre-manny-laser until we all rot on the ground. but, once again, your mileage may very. some people are all for that, and there's nothing wrong with that. its just generally not really whats done around here.

    anyway, basically what im saying is that some people have different ways of playing the game, and if you're not having fun playing the game because you're trying to do something that you dont think is fun or cool, then you're missing the point. just play how you want to play and have a good time doing it.
    Haha, yea that's what I was trying to establish, what the general consensus of "hard-core" were all about. And shame I missed the exploration aspects in the bit I played of Skate 2 and Skate 3. When I got OG Skate I was in a totally different place. Unemployed, no car, gf away out of town for a semester, and no online. Needless to say, I had a lot of time on my hands and OG Skate was innovative to anything we had seen at that point anyway. I played the shit out of that game for a solid 2 months in ways that would make a few guys proud. But then I got back on my feet and couldn't be bothered with that level of immersion anymore before I got into other stuff. Then Skate 2 was like, "wtf is this" at first. Me thinking they were trying to incorporate too much fan-service into the game with off the board and park-builder. Never realizing the potential that you and others have told me about. I played that game 2 days before starting to hit fg tournaments hard.

    And the competitive parts of S3 are a draw I guess, but I've become increasingly convinced that it's broken lol. I'm seeing a few things and i may try to learn the ways I can exploit the engine to effortlessly win contests but that'd be too dry and boring. Only if I played enough to care about being ranked and

    I'm gonna eventually get into filming something though. Even if I just make one minute long clip. And maybe build a shitty venue. If I can ever sit down long enough. Plus EA raped my pockets on all this DLC, gotta get some use out of it lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by EternalRewind View Post
    There is no proper way to play any game...Do what you want. I played Tony Hawk 1,2,3,4,5 and beyond,Thrasher skate and destroy...some other generic skating games for like 9 years before ea. skate came out..No one told me how to play them and no one tells me how to play ea Skate 1,2 and 3... When the this making videos thing dies off in a few years Ill be in my 30s still playing these old skate boarding games the way I want for years to come...
    Yea, like I said, this game offers a lot. You can play it so many different ways. I was just wondering how the staple community and majority approached it. So I could attempt to understand a few things and ongoing trends within the clips and parks, which are the seemingly the main features among outright connecting with people. I'm going to play how I play regardless. I've developed a liking to attempting insane stupidity. I just wanted a few different viewpoints and perspectives.

    And I don't think "making videos thing" will ever die off. Even though I don't partake in it, I can clearly see that the filming evokes stellar creativity. You have to wonder some of the decisions people make when editing, even if it isn't overly flashy. Some guys might just throw vids together and churn them out every few days. But you can tell which ones were crafted. I think this will exist as long as the game is being played somewhere.
    Last edited by FlyMike; 08-15-2011 at 10:43 PM.
    Pimp hand, give me strength...

  3. #3
    Fluckit Master MarcoPoloUSN's Avatar
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    There is no way except the fun way...
    Play how you want. Skate is a game that is to be played with.
    Video games should be entertainment in our real lives, not our lives.

    Presenting a video means presenting the nature of beauty, art, and taste.
    Make it look good if your goal is to entertain others. Simple. No essay required. I like discussions though.

  4. #4
    Minglin' FlyMike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarcoPoloUSN View Post
    There is no way except the fun way...
    Play how you want. Skate is a game that is to be played with.
    Video games should be entertainment in our real lives, not our lives.

    Presenting a video means presenting the nature of beauty, art, and taste.
    Make it look good if your goal is to entertain others. Simple. No essay required. I like discussions though.

    I'm having fun with game with now, but it's been more a solo experience or isolated, and I'm sometimes wanting to squad up with peeps and branch off into the overall community that's on a completely different angle. And most of the others in it for the same reasons as me are kids and the one guy so sick with it that he breaks the game and it's not even considered schooling you.

    But yea I'll prob drop some footage later on one of these days that unintentionally shits on the ideal of fakeskating and the whole lifestyle. Hawk heads and SSX vets will prob enjoy it, and maybe a few fakeskaters if they're in an amped mood.

    Like styling like this:

    So over the top, yet creative. I love it.
    Last edited by FlyMike; 08-15-2011 at 11:14 PM.
    Pimp hand, give me strength...

  5. #5
    Blazing a Trail Sickone's Avatar
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    Last edited by Sickone; 08-15-2011 at 11:55 PM.

  6. #6
    Fluckit Master fallingskyline's Avatar
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    i think there's no "proper" way to play the game. there a several and depending on whom you playing with, interests will differ. some like to be super-realistic, some are super-arcade and some don't care at all. you play the game so its you who's in charge to decide which way you wanna play the game. there may be some things which aren't usually the taste of all, like total over the tony hawk like skating, that may be through many of us skating irl and watch rl skatevideos, normally its stupid to keep the rl boundaries within a game, but its all for the looks of it. but in the end its you who is playing the game and wants to have fun with it. why would you let go the fun for yourself, just to please someone else?
    Skate Till Death (STD) / Doppelgänger Produktion (DP) / Small Town Crime (STC) / Dharma Inc. / Cap Faction ST

  7. #7
    Diligent Note Taker Boxerman08's Avatar
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    The skate series is basically what you make of it. I've played the shit out of all 3 games, still have fun playing all 3 from time to time, but what I love the most out of all the games is filming and editing, especially editing lol. I've got into this because I'm currently trying to get better at RL filming, and I personally find that Skate 3 has helped me... As stupid as this might sound, I try to imitate RL filming in-game, and it kinda helps me visualize how good a trick can look both IRL and in-game... idk if this made sense, but wtv haha. Also, before the series, I didn't know how to make a video at all, but with the help of others around the community, I've progressed a lot. My stuff is still kinda basic editing-wise, but I still love doing it.

    I love playing the game realistically, most likely due to the fact that I've been skating for like 10 years or so now, but from time to time, I find it's fun to just fuck around on a megaramp or something insane. There's a huge variety of styles of gameplay, in which you'll probably see from seeing a lot of videos done by different people, and you'll eventually find others that play the game how you want to play it. There's a lot of us who play the game super-realistically, and a bunch of others who play more arcade-ish, which is perfectly fine either way. But like a few others said before, just have fun with it, don't ruin your fun because someone else tells you to do it differently.
    Last edited by Boxerman08; 08-16-2011 at 12:19 AM.

  8. #8
    Inna Check-Mate State Antwan's Avatar
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    Heres my question to everyone who says make it your own.. Do you have people subscribed to your channel just to hate on you? Because its pathetic

  9. #9
    Blazing a Trail bohemian's Avatar
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    dude your spot on

    screw consensus

    and i get mixed feelings everytime i see the word "venue" assosiated with skateboarding

  10. #10
    Fluckit Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarcoPoloUSN View Post
    There is no way except the fun way...
    As simple as that.
    Also, on topic, a minutes ago when I saw this thread I recalled the day before yesterday, when I check'd the ps3 resolution with the RCA cable (after having troubles with my hdmi output) I said 'Uuughh this looks so fckn crappy', then I remembered that skate clips upload to skate.reel always in the same resolution no mather what graphic input are you using. Instantly remember how much fun I have playing this game that I partly forgot how sad I feel about my broken ps3...

  11. #11
    Fluckit Master Mage505's Avatar
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    I make parks rarely, but all I do most of the time is skate around the cities in the games realistically. It doesn't matter how you play the game, FlyMike. It's "how" you want to play it. You want street do street, you want realistic do realistic, you want crazy mega park skating do it. IMO we all have our own ways of playing the Skate games.

  12. #12
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    Keeping it real: disregard alot of what others have said in here. If you had made an arcade video like you truly wanted but DIDN'T have the name you now have from creating this insightful discussion, your video would've been ignored like those of many others.

    Sorry, just calling it how I see it. I don't disagree with anything said in here because in theory that's what we all believe, but not in practice..

    Cheers to you bud.

    Last edited by Roke; 08-16-2011 at 02:29 PM.

  13. #13
    Awful Awfuls!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roke View Post
    Keeping it real: disregard alot of what others have said in here. If you had made an arcade video like you truly wanted but DIDN'T have the name you now have from creating this insightful discussion, your video would've been ignored like those of many others.

    Sorry, just calling it how I see it. I don't disagree with anything said in here because in theory that's what we all believe, but not in practice..

    Cheers to you bud.

    Funny how true that is

  14. #14
    Blazing a Trail Sickone's Avatar
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    best to adopt the 'fuck you I do what I want' attitude from early but still be open to constructive advice
    Last edited by Sickone; 08-16-2011 at 11:50 PM.

  15. #15
    Minglin' FlyMike's Avatar
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    Appreciate all the feedback guys. I was in the process of quoting and responding to every post until my browser just crashed so fuck that. Everyone is pretty much saying the same thing which is, "Play how you want" and "Skate offers so much variety that there's something for everyone anyway". And that was my preconceived notion when composing this thread but I just had to see the perspectives. HOWEVER, admittedly I was looking for something similar to this......

    Quote Originally Posted by Roke View Post
    Keeping it real: disregard alot of what others have said in here. If you had made an arcade video like you truly wanted but DIDN'T have the name you now have from creating this insightful discussion, your video would've been ignored like those of many others.

    Sorry, just calling it how I see it. I don't disagree with anything said in here because in theory that's what we all believe, but not in practice..

    Cheers to you bud.

    Haha appreciate the honesty bro. I already knew this. This was probably 80% of the overall gist of my original post. Sure i CAN do what I want, play how I want, etc. But how can i......not so much as appeal to the masses, as much as be HEARD by them? I wanted to know what was the main trend and "thing" amongst the hardcores and "in-crowd". I found that out. And this wasn't because I wanted to conform, I just wanted to be aware.

    So yea, like, I can do my own thing. Just like plenty of other vids on youtube, especially the extreme ones. Dudes on the forum are a nice bunch, mad chill. But despite everything that has been said, those types of vids or styles are ACCEPTED but not necessarily RESPECTED. Or a few might just be totally indifferent. So it's not a thing of wanting approval by the crowd or whatever, it was just an interesting discussion imo for me to get some insight on stuff that might be known to guys with years in the community.

    And I do feel you. I could prob do a compilation that makes the purists cringe. Not get any comments or feedback except for the usual few stragglers. Just another in the sea of clips. But now since I'm the guy that made that topic, and i've introduced myself to an ok amount of peeps in the community, i'll prob get some pats on the back, and props, at least for my first vid. Even if it's not the common interest around here. NOTHING is wrong with that, it's natural, and to be expected. I'd still appreciate it all the same. But yea Roke you hit the nail on the head. IN THEORY, it's all good.

    P.S. I don't want anyone to get anything confused as a want or need for peeps to like or approve anything. I just wanted to be aware of what the general consensus was on. Plus, this discussion, if anything, was a cool way to journey into the realm of "what's understood, but never really said", ya know?
    Last edited by FlyMike; 08-17-2011 at 11:39 AM.
    Pimp hand, give me strength...

  16. #16
    Chief Alcohol Strategist momadaddy's Avatar
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    gizz <3

    "Your friendship with xi SATORI ix has been broken"

  17. #17
    Minglin' Skribbz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EternalRewind View Post
    There is no proper way to play any game...Do what you want. I played Tony Hawk 1,2,3,4,5 and beyond,Thrasher skate and destroy...some other generic skating games for like 9 years before ea. skate came out..No one told me how to play them and no one tells me how to play ea Skate 1,2 and 3... When the this making videos thing dies off in a few years Ill be in my 30s still playing these old skate boarding games the way I want for years to come...
    Pretty much this. In any video game do whatever you want. I play Skate realistically only because I enjoy it, but even occasionally when I'm bored I'll go over to Danny Way's Hawaiian Dream fun track and screw around with 540 backflip Superdudes. It's all in whatever you want. :V

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