LOL @ Gizzler's Picture. Woud be fun all ladies but I really don't want some dudes peice on show while i'm playing xbox.

@ Antwan/Stevie - So true, i'm sure I have some subs who are just heir to hate on my shit. The way I see I see it, if I annoy them to the point they actually sub to me just to hate on me, i've already won :-)

@ Flymike - What everyone else said. Play how you want to play dude, thats the beauty of this game. For me the skate series offers up so many things. I can skate like a pro and do things I could only dream about doing IRL and then film myself doing it, exactly how I want, without being bound by restrictions. I have the ability to make my own graphics, and the wear or ride them or build a famous spots that I will probably never get to skate IRL.

I used to play Tony Hawks, Thrasher S&D and anything else I could find skateboard related, and loved the challange aspect of those games. When skate series started it all changed. I realised it can be whatever I choose to make it. The freeskate aspect of the game soon took ever everything and the ingame "missions" were only a means to an end of unlocking things. The only challange I myself like is to get my video looking a realistic possible. Even though I have been makes videos for about 2 years now and I still see myself as a noob. I can honestly say I will never consider myself complete at this game, as i'm constantly trying new things ingame, from messing with in game animations to trying new camera angles and styles.

All I would say is don't feel you have to skate or film a certain way to just because other do, do what you want to do!