Sorry. I'm going to have to be lame.

It's a video game. A game that, in my opinion, should be close to the real thing TO AN EXTENT. Now...
The game can look real (personally i think Battlefield graphics suck dick; those promos are deceiving)...
The game can exert real physics...

But all the teamwork and strategy isn't fun. Its time consuming. I want to use my gun. Playing beta, I found myself not pulling the trigger or seeing anyone for 10 minutes. And when I did kill someone, it didn't feel so cool I guess. A lot of people mention skills. I don't want to train and acquire skills to play the fucking game... as if I'm preparing for a real war ahaha. I want to PLAY. I put emphasis on the word PLAY. I don't want to simulate warfare, in terms of how I make my moves on the battlefield.

That's just my opinion though. BF3 is not a bad game. I'm glad people are enjoying BF3. I don't condemn anyone for it. MW3 looks good too. I personally enjoy the CoD series more, because I simply have more fun playing it.