Quote Originally Posted by Antwan View Post
I do half-ass it.. I have to keep running over to turn off a camera on a tripod
how could I possibly be fully focused? I have a filmer lined up as I've said..
This is simple, Antwan... If you're not landing it, don't film it. Keep the camera at home until you have the trick dialed. If you're not landing it, don't claim it. You can say "I'm working on..." but beyond that, you're honestly sticking the nose of your board in your mouth. (Rather than foot, get it?)

You don't know me personally so don't make it personal.. My Mentality is my own.
The forum has me at loss for thought often.. I respond to one person and get shit from another.
I'm just being real here.. and you know what This thread is a drag you guys can converse if you want..
I was just trying to show you what I'm working towards.. The video will be out soon.
Again, man, this keeps coming up because you keep repeating the same behavioral patterns. You get excited about something, you share it, someone points out you have a lot of development of whatever that trick is before you should be properly excited, and you get very defensive and turn to dismissive, cop out statements. Real talk here: If you're not going to bother dialing your tricks, spare yourself the indignity, and don't bother with the video. Or, make it, but keep it to yourself. If you really don't care, don't share. If you do care, show the effort that will make other people care. You're going in circles with your shit, bro. It's frustrating for those of us who think you're a decent dude to see you keep doing over, and over, and over again.

I'm not going to bust your balls and accuse you of acting a certain way and labeling you a troll or anything, but dude, sometimes when you think it's everyone else that has a problem... It's actually you. Reflect and grow, bro.