In my head I'm thinking of it like this: Organ music, a man walking with his head down in a monk's robes down the aisle of an empty church lit only by candles. Standing at the alter is a bride dressed in black instead of white. When the man reaches the alter he throws back the black veil and Demzilla is there all dirty and clean at the same time smiling sinister from behind a big hairy beard. Then bam! Death throws back his monk's robes to reveal a long gleaming scythe but instead of killing Demz he leans in for a long gruesome kiss. Titles flash: "Demzilla . . . .Back From The Dead!" Then Demzilla and Death walk down the aisle and just as they door is swinging shut Demzilla spanks Death and winks over his shoulder.

God I wish I had the money to make something like that happen.