Quote Originally Posted by unplannedman View Post
Do you mean really a brony or just a fan of MLP?
Fans of MLP can still be cool people, *bronies* are a plague upon all that is existent and can take any word you could possibly imagine, "friendship," "happiness," "Oxygen," "sex," whatever, and abuse it to change the subject to nothing except MLP. These people with a mental infection then forget all about their old life, deleting accounts on every website they ever knew, to replace it with a new one, named after their fan pony, and forget that anything existed before MLP. Some bronies can try hide their identities, but alas! You must only look in their forum signatures, their one weakness, to find out the truth behind them. If you see a brony, do not panic. Remain calm, call your nearest psychiatric doctor, and pray to Odin that the evil from their soul and mind my be purged from their body.