Quote Originally Posted by Antwan View Post
My name is Anthony

I have a light version of a skin condition known as eczema if you're weak in the stomach don't look that up
pictures are usually of really bad cases of it
basically your skin is intensely dry, if not to use lotions daily you start to itch, the longer you go without moisturizing the worse it can get.. it's something you are born into

I hate bugs in general anything that crawls, squirms, flys etc.. I tend to kill anything in my living space.

I tried to quit smoking once was actually fairly successful until I went to live with some smokers haha
I quit for a little bit over 3 months have been smoking again for about 2

I get frustrated easily.. I play way too much xbox..
I'm starting to get lazy again.. gotta get out and do something..probably skate.
Yeah, I have eczema too, it fucking sucks balls