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Thread: Kony 2012

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  1. #1
    Fluckit Master madsser's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    Well. I live in Denmark, and we're going pretty well right now I guess.

    But I've pointed this out to our main politicians. I've called, written letters and mails to the biggest political leaders here, to beg them to point this problem out.
    Which is needed. We need this man to be known for the government to care.

    And about your 2 cents term. I completely agree with that fact. I mean this man has been ravaging uganda for 24 years. I mean that's longer than I've been alive damn it. And I've only heard of this problem yesterday.
    And who the fuck cares if I've been brainwashed if it's for a better cause. I don't do anything else than sit at my computer all day. It's better for me to get out and spread the word, and it's better for the ugandan people.

    Basically this project can be explained like Chemist explained it. The people that doesn't care, still makes sure that the word is spread. Cause that's the easy part. To spread the word. And then someone that does care realizes that this is a problem and starts supporting.
    That's basically the idea of the whole video thing. To get people to know.

    Oh and on a side note: Term, I'm sorry if I in any way seemed angry with you. I respect your choices and your views. And i get where you're coming from, because it is a fact that not all the people will care. But who cares. There's so many others that will. And if it is one in a hundred, or even one in a thousand, it still counts, and it still is a big fucking number we'll get in the end.

    Mads out.

  2. #2
    Blazing a Trail r0ke's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    I am proud of anyone who takes positive activism into their own hands.

    Every point made in here is valid; the classic 'glass half full' vs 'glass half empty' debate. I didn't hear about this on facebook yesterday as I had an unexpected work load but my friend showed me it today. My only take on this matter is to wonder how do we pick and choose which countries to help?

    Somalia? (war ravaged)
    Iran? (oppressive regime)
    Haiti? (natural disasters and corruption)
    Syria? (turn on your tv)

    I live in Canada so thankfully our exposure to the global economic downturn was minimalized. If you live in the UK, US (or Greece), then I can understand why you'd want to focus on bringing your own countries back first before embarking to help others; that's one the reasons on airplanes the attendants always tell you to apply your own mask before assisting others with theirs in the event of an emergency . To make the greatest impact, you have to be on solid footing personally (as well as collectively) otherwise your efforts may be exploited or ineffective.

    The 4 countries I listed are just the ones you hear about in the news in recent times. What about sweatshops in China? Sex trade in Eastern Europe? Caste system in India? Drug cartels in North America?

    Many causes deserve our attention, so all I ask is that people find one that they can personally identify with and then please don't half ass your work.

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