Thank you Andreas.

This campaign will educate a lot of people who might have otherwise NEVER even thought about atrocities happening in Africa. That in itself is something to be celebrated.

These people have spent a large portion of their lives trying to raise awareness about this. Are you surprised that they're spending money on making films?

If you don't like what they're doing, then don't get involved... but to hate on it and try to convince people NOT to get involved seems incredibly selfish. Especially if you're not offering an alternative, better way of getting involved.

I mean, basically this whole campaign is about raising awareness through celebrities, and writing/calling/talking to politicians so they know that people ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT THESE ISSUES. How can that POSSIBLY be a bad thing?

Honestly. This world is so sad. You try to help... and people complain you're not helping the right way. Then they spend time tearing you down rather than doing some building of their own.