Hmm BF3 n MW3 are two very different experiences, COD always feels like paint ball with bullets, even the maps don't seem natural. . . and if I'm playing TDM, even if our team win I'm not happy unless I'm at the top of the leader board, I usually play FFA as I don't really like relying on campers. Infact I hate campers, there's should be a kick up the arse option if you're team mates are doing it. (I haven't actually played MW3 yet but from all accounts I've heard it's basically MW 2.5)

As with BF3, I am really enjoying this game, I've finally found a nice set up I like and I'm also tryna unlock some more stuff in engineer class. Even something as simple as shooting someone across the street in Grand Bazaar feels like an achievement and more I play this game the more I like it. Sure it's not perfect and sometimes you get some annoying team mates (in one game on rush in OM we were the attacking team and 3 of our team mates were way back in the spawn area with sniper rifles. . . WTF?)

I wanna get MW3 eventually, mainly for the campaign but I'm having too much fun with BF3 atm.