Best Fake Skater S1 - pawn

Best Fake Skater S2 - bullet or demz

Best Fake Skater S3 - knex or bullet or cerebus or gizzler

Best Fake Team S1 - sss

Best Fake Team S2 - hoodlum, dp, catface

Best Fake Team S3 - STINGRAY BITCHES! (hehe). psychonaut, dp, halcyon

Best Fake Solo S1 - wasn't really around for the first wave, but pawn's last s1 solo was awesome

Best Fake Solo S2 - probably anything tno or bullet put out. or demz's "i don't wanna play this game anymore"

Best Fake Solo S3 - there's been many, so hard to pick, probably the video knex just put out, close second being cerebus' bastard solo probably, and thirdly Jerrel's solo

Best Fake Full S1 - sss attack

Best Fake Full S2 - couch inertia or the infinite video for knex's part alone..

Best Fake Full S3 - megamyth probably, hopefully the stingray vid i'm editing right now will fall in that category one day :/

Best Fake Skater of ALL TIME
knex, or gizzler (dude puts everyone on stingray to shame the ammount of amazing footy he churns out)

Best GC
there's been far too many to even begin to narrow it down..
Best GC Artist
tex, demz for his approach, clay for just being awesome, sg for going full on, and heshfield for the cleanest stuff ever..

Best CAP PS3
anything cap faction ever made..

Best CAP XBox
something emericaridr11 made probably..

Best CAP Builder
rzrfvr or old skooler

Best Fake Editor
favourites are Jerrel, Cerebus, and Robley, and Knex, and Gizzler

Coolest Fake Skater

Biggest Fake Dick
well i know stevland has the smallest, he told me he'd give me records if he touched it..

he lied..