Quote Originally Posted by madsser View Post
Holy shit so much seriousness.

Personally I hadn't even heard of innout when I started this gig. It was all TNO and the rest of DP that made me get going. (Man TNO's lost spots and "strictly" series. <3<3<3) And I personally adapted my playstyle from everywhere, from demz to linny, from supafly to jerrel.

Skate what you want, stop bitching about people that doesn't follow the style you enjoy skating/watching. Hell I have petpeeves with the tings people do in this game*cough*rampedbsflipdown3set,doubleangleshitfuc kthat*cough*

I have no idea where I was going with that, just spent an hour getting nostalgic with tno and shit. Can't remember. fuck
oh god yes, tno got me into making videos as well, it wasn't bks, I heard of them after I started making videos. tno doesn't speak much in the public either btw.. I think the guys that influenced me the most were tno, then eakskatekrew (justkatenohate lol, he was a chill guy) and after that it were probably jerrel, guth, vp and blast that really inspired me.