i dont like wrassling right now because its lost its heart; i think the apex of the mcmahon dynasty was with mick foley, stone cold, HHH, and the rock and jericho... now they are just making up bullshit just trying to get ratings( thnaks to stephs idiodic writings). i do like TNA because most of the legit ppl went over that way when bischoff defunct from the wwe because of legal issues with mcmahon (taking over ECW from paul and wcw from eric )from the past. i wrestled indy back in 1999-2001 ish and i loved it - it was so fun but pretty tough on ur body running ropes and taking back bumps; you just dont bounce like they seem to; you get the wind knocked out of you and you get bruises under your arms from the metal cable that are the ropes. but it was worth it for me ; plus it was fun to talk shit to the rednecks watching. wrestling all in all has lost its way and heart- i still watch it from time to time; but from terry funk to dwayne johnson and mick foley- its just not like it used to be.....kinda saddening for me imo.