Quote Originally Posted by Ayreon View Post
Saw another vid that was a heavily moded gta 4. The entire world map was different. I think they imported it from just cause. it kinda looked like shit. Video said gta 5 gameplay preview. and there were so many stupid people sayin "ohh emm gee, i expected more, not buying"

bullshit like this could effect peoples interest cause people are stupid. More specifically, people on youtube are fucking retarded. And there are others to take advantage of that.

that and this vid had a shit ton of view. If people monitise their vids they can make money off of bullshit. And theres so much of it.

Hell, fox news does it on in the mainstream level.
Don't forget, people like Albert are the reason Skate 3 had so much focus on Hall of Meat and bullshit megapark stuff instead of a subdued, realistic city. People like him DO ruin games.