you know what sets this full apart from any other full....
its structure...

its unlike any other...

it actually reminded me alot of og s1 sessions with the posse...
as i watched it was clear that this was the theme and it was done flawlessly....

id like to comment directly but im kinda tired and to be honest...
the entire film is incredible...
i wouldnt say in a oh my mother fuckin god...
even though there where a few jaw droping tricks...
to me the whole film is such a cool smooth ride its not over shadowed by normal editing and filming techniques...

its weird..
i watched this twice today waiting for the demo so far...
its only 9pm so il prolly watch again later but...

this film is basically a edited version of that original feeling from s1 being related to teams and friends...

there been tour film sand other jam session type films but i think this one...
the way it was edited and paced....
completely sets itself apart from the others....

in short...
it was not an action movie to me..
it was a drama...
and i loved it...