Quote Originally Posted by pawnluvguitarist View Post
So dancing on a skateboard isn't skateboarding?
what about carving a bank?
high jump?

So only what is most popular now is what real skating is?
Man you love taking shit out of context; have you heard Gesmer talk about skating, or even seen his skate parts? Or rather, "choreography" as he calls it. HE looks at it as a dance, not me. His mindset is that of a dancer, not a skateboarder. So no he isn't skateboarding; he is dancing with a skateboard. I could go on about other stuff he says and his views, but it basically comes down to this: if you walk down the street with your board in your hand, then you're walking, not skating.

And I already stood up for freestyle, which is arguably the least popular form of skating right now, so your last point makes literally no sense.