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Thread: Bin laden DEAD !

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  1. #11
    Don't Worry, Be Happy jest118's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slamooh View Post
    Jest, what bothers me is how people use the term justice, how people are celebrating this in the US and all of that is dumb. Its maybe just symantics as donvigo said... its not. It gives a hint about how some people think in the USA...and i hate that.
    I still think it's bad hes dead and im really wondering if it was a murder raid or a capture raid...
    A question is : capture him or kill him, whats best for USA ? what's best for obama ? a trial or a corpse in the sea ?
    I dont have answers, im just wondering. i do think we can't trust what is being told about the raid...we ll never know i guess...
    While those questions are valid.. the only thing questionable about the entire event is the burial. When you take into account Bin Laden's mantra and the values that he preached and lived by.. the official story makes perfect sense. That he refused to be taken alive. No matter how skilled that Seal team is.. if they're being fired upon.. they're going to put down that threat. They're not going to risk their own lives for the sake of sparing him just so that he could be killed in a sanctioned execution later.

    As far as what is best politically.. look at the rampant doubt that's flying through the world. Conspiracy theorists thrive on the idea that the general populace is easily swayed and confused. So what does it mean that the General Populace is doubting the legitimacy? Did everyone suddenly get smarter/more aware? Nope. It's just that people want evidence and that evidence isn't being provided. So definitely.. a live capture and trial would have been infinitely better than this death and quick burial. It would have been irrefutable. So though the way the events have unfolded is odd.. they certainly don't benefit those currently in power.

    Quote Originally Posted by Slamooh View Post
    Dude i definitely agree with this
    but letting emotions speak is weak... this is not how justice works. Letting emotions speak means punishment won't fit the crime control over emotions and the primitive being in everyone of us takes the lead, fails at reasoning, retaliation... i know theres no doubt here, Bin Laden is a bad guy. There should not be any difference in the justice process between a guy killing one person and a guy killing thousands though...

    By the way, i m strongly against death sentence. Maybe thats why my opinion seems twisted... But its another debate i guess
    I agree that being overly emotional compromises logic. But empathy does not. That's why victims don't choose the punishments.. judges do. So to say that the emotional state the victim is left in after the fact should be ignored completely, is a bit much for me. It should be considered because the emotional state of the victim is a part of the damage done. I do not, for a second, feel that the mission was intended to kill though. If that were truly the case, he would've been killed by an explosive device rather than with bullets.

    Quote Originally Posted by HorseHead View Post
    America is an embarrassing place to live sometimes. A great place full of great people who make very poor decisions. This attitude of "They killed ours so we gotta kill theirs!!!!" is the type of logic you should have left in the sandbox in elementary school. Additionally, you're celebrating the death of someone who has no operational role in Al Qaeda. Bin Laden was a spiritual leader and mentor, he was not planning or issuing the orders that cost anyone their lives. It will have no effect on their operation. They have gained a martyr and these battles and constant infiltrations into countries where we have no business will only inspire more to join their ranks. Why does everyone think that going in and killing these people is going to change anything? We are giving them exactly what they want in doing so. These people want Jihad. We're giving them that.

    In addition this talk about revenge for 9/11 is frustrating to me. Why do you think that they attacked us on 9/11? Something to do with how they "hate freedom"? Do you think they want to martyr themselves to attack our "freedom"? Could it possibly have anything to do with our military bases in their land? Huh, you think they might be mad about our soldiers occupying land that's been theirs for hundreds of years? Who would've thought... Our military occupations have killed much much more than 3,000 people. I'm not trying to devalue the lives of the victims at all, it was a terrible tragedy and a loss for all of humanity. But we continue to behave in a way that prompts these attacks and are somehow expecting a different response. Do you think any of the victims would say "Yes, please avenge my death with the lives of thousands of other civilians, American and allied troops"? I don't. I don't know what the right response is. I don't have the answers and no one person has all of the answers. Which is why it's important that people really look into what's happening so that everyone can bring something to the table to discuss so that we could maybe reach some sort of agreement. Or we could just keep up the macho bullshit and wait for the nuclear holocaust.

    Here are some interesting thoughts about the situation from someone who has covered Al Qaeda extensively. It's short, read it, it'll hopefully make you think.
    I had something else written.. but decided to just keep it short. Nothing the US did prior to 9/11 warranted those attacks. Bin Laden's own twisted ideology and his perversion of Islam is what caused those acts.. not the other way around. Our presence in Muslim countries has only been invasive in the aftermath of 9/11.

    While occupying the Middle East hasn't made us popular in the least bit.. we only had two choices. Fight or Allow another similar attack happen. Bin Laden and aL Queda's plan to fight the US was hinged on the US bringing the fight to them. And the only way to do that was to attack our civilians in such a manner as to make it a necessity for us. So trust.. if we didn't fight them now.. they would've just kept trying to attack our Civilian Population to entice us into War until they achieved it.

    It's a little bit like when you're a kid. You're told never to hit others even if they hit you. And in some cases.. not responding works. In other cases however, not responding is taken as a sign of weakness and they just keep hitting you. Eventually.. even if it's exactly what they want.. you're going to have to hit back.
    Last edited by jest118; 05-03-2011 at 02:14 PM. Reason: typos like a mofo!
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