Soundtrack and lineup, lots of hippie music in there

Heath Kirchart - Joy Division - Atmosphere(abd by skatehead wow cmon now)
Intro - Dead Meadow - Sleepy Silver Door
Brandon Westgate - Earthless - Jull
Bryan Herman #1 - Tom Waits - Top Of The Hill
Bryan Herman #2 - Black Sabbath - Fairies Wear Boots
Marquis Preston - John Cale - Big White Cloud
Kevin Long - Captain Beefheart - Electicity
Collin Provost - Dead Meadow - Green Sky Green Lake
Jamie Tancowny - Comets on Fire - The Swallow's Eye
Aaron Suski - Flower Travlin' Band - Satori Pt. 2
Braydon Szafranski - Hawkwind - We Took The Wrong Steps Years Ago
Justin Figueroa - Dead Meadow - That Old Temple
Jerry Hsu - Ultimate Spinach III - Somedays You Just Can't Win
Leo Romero - Mott the Hoople - Thunderbuck Ram
Andrew Reynolds - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Om Nashi Me
Credits - Earthless - No Road To Follow

Im hyped to see all of this, if it ain't good then I'm fuckin unsubbing from daskatechanneltv for putting 20 hype videos in my subs box every day ahahahah. Plus, anyone else excited that Braydon FINALLY has a part in a full that's more than a minute long?