Guys, I seriously hate that some of you are still flaming this kid. He's not the greatest but from what I see he at least tried to take some advice and is improving. Not by leaps and bounds, but improving nonetheless. So the least we can do is criticize a bit less trolly.

Anyway, the filter wasn't just bad because it looked bad, it made it hard to see a lot of tricks. Less is more in this case.

The music wasn't just bad musically, but when you watch a skate video, you want the song and the video to play towards each other. And this stuff just has no personality. Get stuff that stands out and is pleasing to the ear.

Popped a bit too high but derk's right this one wasn't slammed with realism all over the title so it's cool to skate how you feel.

All and all it looks like you adhered to the advice everyone gave you, which is something I can never knock. Keep working on it!