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Thread: June 26 Blog

  1. #1
    UG/Popless Pioneer pawnluvguitarist's Avatar
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    Default June 26 Blog

    Jun 26, 2009
    We Are The World... let's get along...y'all. Thanks.

    I can't avoid what CNN and everyone else tells us we have to talk about. But if I do, I'll be on that negative side of the fence. So, rather than do that...I blasted "I Wanna Rock With You" and skated as fast as I could. It felt good.


    There were a few banging full lengths out this week. I had to book time just to watch the ones that I could catch. Damn. Bars keep getting raised...styles emerge...message board critiques get out of's, like...skateboarding. Here are the ones I saw, sorry if I missed any...hit me up if I did. And to avoid any controversy...they're in alphabetical order.

    Animal Machine's Concrete Jungle... ...I'm not going to comment on this one because I was told I have to. Maybe next week because I can resist peer pressure...I can! But...dudes from Chi-town rip proper. I was waiting for this vid for so long, and got what I expected when it dropped...excellence! But...where were The Specials? Reload for Concrete Jungle part 2...

    Compund's Street Chemistry ...judging from my heckle sesh last night, people may have slept on this one. Don't! Wake up!...wait, do...wake up! Watch his one all the way through. They kill it. I like Severmore.

    Second Nature's All Natural...again with the peer pressure...everyone said I was supposed to talk about POOPOO's part. (Poopoo...hehehehheheheheh) But because I am a master resister, I won't. Instead, I'll comment on that creative dude that got last part and had the sick powerslide cracker (not racist) down the stairs... who was that? & & &


    (Editor's Note...meaning me making an excuse...there were too many this week, and they kept flying down the thread hill so fast. Get your homies to bump your stuff! Bump battles ignite...but only on the good ones please!)

    Bob Saget's got 90 secs worth watching ...

    Gym AllStar's Solo #2...has The Whistler version of the Kill BMX gap in the intro, Yeah!... nice slaloming crazy carves, jersey barrier destruction, and overall originality... ...and liked the Psycho Killer cover.

    The Nines Promo is in...Lulz...say no more... ...BTW, how did you get that Misfits logo? We tried to get it in the game and couldn't find who owned the license, you guys are dope!

    Tales From The Skatepark

    Mike V. vs Chris Cole in Round 1 of Battle of The Berrics 2? For real? Wow? My money is on Mike (hey, he ripped in Paul Fart Mall Cop).

    I heard I was at Go Skateboarding Day when the Emerica Team invaded Vancouver for their annual Wild In The Streets attack. I saw some people cheering for sick skating. I saw some dudes with beers that were willing to give them to me. (Yeah, mini-Dhrebs!) I saw Spanky, and got accosted by said Spanker for not getting him in Skate 2. I saw Atiba at the last second as I almost hit a pole and Tony Ferguson on the skate to Strathcona. (Atiba was probably non-plussed...but, he shouldn't have been skating so slow) I saw Sluggo...twice. I saw the best crowd of people (aka all skaters) cheering The Boss as he frontside flipped the Big Black double set (sorry, Van locs...not sure of the name of the spot that Logan ollied first and Jordan front tailed to massive drop for his ender). And, apparently, I spent an inordinate amount of time talking to cops and security guards. (I'll tell you about rescuing my car from the porn shoot some other time.)

    Real coverage of my hazy recollections can be found here... ... (photos and video and everything)

    Grant Taylor is not a Debacle. And he should be pro. Hella pro. Style, power, street, bowl, bloaw! If you didn't check his part of the Nike thing, try to Yahoogletube it or something. It's worth it.

    Which brings us to yet another week of me trying to explain why there's no Community Skater Of The Week...(or whatever Ronnie calls it) was going to do it, but got confused or dehydrated by Go Skate Day. I figured I'd see if I could throw one together last second style...last night. My bad. Demzilla was going to be the victim. Unfortunately he got online with a head full of bubbly pops...and I had no stenographer...where's The Ghost when you need him?. Anyway, he said some really funny/slurry stuff that made me realize I need to interview him properly, soon. Get at me, son.

    I heard Oh Hey is having butt surgery today. Yuck and good luck.

    They're Poodlegators...when does poodlegator get out?

    And finally, although I want to remain all respectful and high class, I can't. Here are the salient points of The ShadyChi vs. Prince debate (which was won by me.) "Controversy" beats "PYT"...moonwalking loses to James Brown dancing in heels with a dangerously constructed guitar... Shingo knows enough to know that the real MJ skates. (or was in Space Jam) Le Doi.

    Weirder than normal? Yes. Sorry.

    And, the announcement was all Ron... I forgot what my Twitter name is. But The DLC thing will have a press release now or later than now. I'll see you guys at The Maloof Cup.

    Keep Rolling,


    PS...I can get vaguer...ask anyone who knows me.

  2. #2
    FLuckin Mod Demzilla's Avatar
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    Oct 2008



    bubble pops....
    i was drunk as piss...
    so i guess its not my fault we got no new dlc info wawawa wink....

  3. #3
    Blazing a Trail quetonto1's Avatar
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    Mar 2009


    hahaha demz.........

    dlc better be release this week

    but i thought CJ should have had a blog to its own,it was that good

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