I can definitely recommend this book for anyone who has ever felt passionate about skateboarding. Reading about the endless lonely hours Rodney put in is outright inspiring; the tremendous joy of landing a new trick for the first time identifiable.

Also, I am very much struck by the honesty of this account, as it intimately etches the portrait of person who has come a long way and tried to find ways to cope with some very adverse personal circumstances (which I knew nothing about before).

Rodney's continuous attempts to come to terms with the past and to find some peace of mind and heart by revisiting places and people that once defined him strike a chord with me, and deepen my respect for a man whose influence on modern skateboarding can not be overestimated.

Quote Originally Posted by crni1976 View Post
This doesn't need an introduction. Actually, I only found out recently about this book, happy to finally give it a go now.. .