Just got done playing through the 6½ hour campaign, and right now. I feel kind of disappointed. I was really expecting more.
If you've played MoH, BFBC1/2, you know that DICE are very good at making very good looking games. You probably also know that, DICE aren't that good at making amazing singleplayer campaings. (Sorry if anyone liked any of those games, I personally hated them)
I will say though, to DICE, bravo. I liked the way it was setup. No spoilers here so I'll just leave it at that.
And i will say, it was fun running through houses killing arabs, iraqi's whatever.
And the game looked beautiful all the way through. I mean, the lighting. No one's like DICE when it comes to lighting. Their Frostbite 2 engine is head and shoulders beyond anything I've seen in a LONG time. I'd say it looks better than Crysis2.

Back to the campaign.
It just lacks entertainment. It lacks fun(not saying it wasn't fun, just, I was expecting more). Can't really put my finger on it though.
It just felt like every other FPS shooter I've ever played. Don't know why I thought it was going to be different?

But I'll stick with my first impression of the game and leave you with that. I've yet to dig into the Co-Op and multiplayer fun, which were, of course why i got the game.

The campaign's great, but not different from any other war shooter out there. It has an OK story, with some amazing voice acting in there. It's beautiful, and the way they present it was great.

It's a 7.5/10 from me. I guess my expectations were too high. :/