hola boxer, got a chance earlier to spend 30m or so sessing your park. It's smaller than I am used to these days (not a bad thing) and a little tighter. The mini is really the only issue I had as I lipped out all the time in it, so it's probably just a timing issue on my part. Otherwise, the park flowed pretty smoothly. The single round rails you have are seriously fun as shit because for some reason they seem faster than any rails I've rode lately. When I hit them they react differently so it's more twitch timing which is awesome. I am guessing this is because most people these days are using flat rails which slow you down. The brick bank rail is fun, but I had a little issue hitting the right speed for a pretty transition on it. Once again, it's probably because I only got in a small session so need to figure the timing of it. The grass gap to manny pad before it was definitely my fave spot of the thing. Good work man.