I wasn't insinuating that it was a skill thing (as skill as far as this game goes is interpretive anyways) as much as it being a "it's for us" thing.

As far as that goes though.. that doesn't really make it a Fluckit thing so much as a Social in the SB on Fridays thing. My idea of a Fluckit montage (of any type) wouldn't disqualify a member of Fluckit. That's just my interpretation though I guess.

In the past couple years Fluckit's gone from an open door to being clique-ish and it's starting to get back to that open door policy and I was stoked on that. I got excited at the idea of another project in that vein (the 1 year req in the original post was a little tough, but still a step forward).

I should've just assumed it was more exclusive than it appeared.