That is an interesting angle. I had never really thought about the US just backing Israel out of some weird fear of a biblical apocalypse.

While I do believe that the people controlling the US are Christian in their beliefs, I do not believe it motivates them politically. Unless it's to pander to the Christian voters in the country. I mean, creationism is still taught in school. The religious voter base is BIG.

I still think the main reason anyone in the US gov is talking about actions against Iran is the oil in the region. Iran is not simply going to nuke the US. And they aren't bombing Thailand. All of this is propaganda to position Iran as an enemy/threat and ease public support towards military action. The nuke threat is the big issue simply because it is the ONLY thing that the public will really accept as a reason to invade.

The US spent years in Afghanistan and Iraq, and neither of those countries are ANY better off or more "democratic" or "westernized" or "modernized"... The US needs to focus on it's citizens at home. Period.