On the EA site just bring up the photo like we would click on them above.
Then Right-Click on the photo and choose "Properties" from the pop-up window.
Halfway down the new window you'll see "Address (URL)" which is the location of the picture.
Click on that address (The http://downloads.skate. blah blah blah) and press CTRL+A to select it.
Now press CTRL+C to copy it.

Now in the chat window here you'll see a little painting of a tree that when you hover over it says "Insert Image".
Click that and in the bar that pops up click into it and press CTRL+V to paste the URL into it and hit enter.
You can also do [IMG] before the URL and [/IMG] after the URL to do the exact same thing.
Voila! Now you have pictures that show.

Example: [IMG]+http://downloads.skate.online.ea.com...24/2167814.jpg+[/IMG] Without the "+" sign between the URL and tags at the beginning and end you'd get the result below.