ow shit tough question! iv been going to shows/concerts/festivals since i was seven, im 20 now.... best concert (not big metal fan) was lamb of god an gwar, that shit kicked ass, if you ever get chance to see log, do it. best fest was download, best 4000$ iv ever spent. best show ever an better then any concert an fest was the last show a local ban played before breaking up, iv seen ALOT of bands an such but all i can say after seeing this band, all i can say is "what the fuck!".... here there was even video from it lol, shit audio an such but eh gets it across http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YF6EZ6a0kyo .... ow an heres the lamb of god concert i saw an bubbles from the trailer park boys (from were i live) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tq1TjKoewVo