I'll put this out there just for future reference, I am open to anybody posting any requests for anything. I think it's fairly safe to say that I make somewhere around 30% of the things people ask me to do, which is fairly good considering the complexity and quantity of some of the requests I do get. That being said, if you are a friend of mine I will more than likely do your request if I can, if you are not then I will do it if I feel like it, which I can't guarrantee for any request. I don't personally like every brand and graphic so I just make whatever I feel like, and I hope those people who get their requests made appreciate it and continue to show love and those who don't understand why everything can't be done.

That being said, if you pester me, by repeatedly requesting the same thing, asking me if I'm going to do it, or when I'm going to do it, message me over and over or bother me on XBL, I will probably not make your requests, I might, but it definately doesn't help your chances. I look at every request people make and consider them all, I don't hate French people or Quebecers, it just seems like some people need to be more tact at times.