Quote Originally Posted by Luftwaffe View Post
No bueno. Noir is based off of Film Noir. Metal letters, inverted crosses, all of that shit is so far from the themery of the team. That shit is not Noir. You gotta follow the classy as fuck, film noir feel. Noir is dark, but it's classy dark. It's about corruption in the police, the political system, and the minds of those surrounded by it in the cities. Think black&white detective films. These are very good graphics, but these are NOT representative of our team and they never will be. Noir is indicative of SO much more than the color black. Watching our premier video would tell you that in a heartbeat.

Edit: Also, the inverted cross is actually a Catholic symbol for anybody interested in losing ignorance. The upside down cross originated with St. Peter the Fisherman, who was to be hanged for following the teachings of christ. He asked to be nailed upside-down to the cross, as he did not feel he deserved the same fate as Jesus. Since then, the upside down cross is actually a sign of humility and unselfishness in the name of God. So before you go around toting inverted crosses like you're some anti-religious badass, think about what you may ACTUALLY be portraying about yourself.

I kinda just got scared of you haha.