X Games 19 has made it's way to Eastboro! The street course is inspired by big city skate scenes and was built in Eastboro City's Nikedome parking lot. Loads of space to skate and a ton of different obstacles to hit. Got some shots of pros practicing on the course.

Chris Cole getting a tre over the big 4 block.

Koston banging out a nosegrind on the window ledge gap.

Dan Drehnobl slash grinds the pool set up.

Andrew Reynolds clearing the brick bank

Haslam fastplanting the support pillar quarter pipe.

Jason Dill gettin' a quick blunt on the mound center piece

Lizard King on the jersey barrier.

Eastboro's own Maurice Lewis clearing the 3 point channel.

Mike Carrol with a sick inward heel over the porch step up.

Here's an over view of the 3 sections

Section 1:


Section 2:


Section 3:

Main Street

Get your download on and bang out some bangers!


