don't know how many of you have seen this already but damn it looks badass
don't know how many of you have seen this already but damn it looks badass
yeah seen that
movie looks wutang as fuck
I for see a porno spin off called "The Man with the Iron Dick"
Haha m7,that's the exact same movie I thought of when I watched it.
Last edited by Stu; 08-08-2012 at 08:09 PM. Reason: Mistype
it's pretty easy to make the connection with Tarantino,Lucy Liu,and Rza involved.
i've always loved old kung fu flicks so knowing that Rza and Tarantino are involved this should be pretty legit
Last edited by; 08-09-2012 at 04:16 PM.
Ayee, looks like it could go either way for me, I love Tarantino, Love RZA, Lucy Liu cool too, but something doesn't quite click for me from the trailer, I hope it's good though.
Looks weird as fuck like all Tarantino movies; it shall be watched.
I'm playing lol, and are in the middle of a loading screen.
I'm bored.
So hi.
tarantino coming through once again... yeah buddy!